Ever since the announcement of the new iPad Pro, tech lovers have been anxiously awaiting the release. Those who have had an early look at the hardware, however, aren’t as excited as they once were. The majority of reviews reveal that the iPad Pro has some great hardware that rivals that of Microsoft’s Surface Pro. However, the potential is limited.
The review that most people turn to with anything to do with technology is typically that of Walt Mossberg, one of the most celebrated tech reviewers today. He wrote a review of the nifty new tablet/laptop on the Verge , explaining that it’s a handy device, but it’s not going to be able to replace your laptop like the Surface Pro can.
He talks about how he admires the device, particularly for the sleeker, thinner look and the Apple Pencil. His test of the devices battery turned out to be superior. The battery lasted for 12 hours of continuous use. During his usage, the hardware checked out, and he was able to complete a number of tasks, including web browsing, video streaming, and video calling.
He then pointed out several negative traits which have been discussed by other reviewers as well. The most common negative comments made about the iPad Pro include the unbalanced structure, unsightly, large apps, inability to multitask, and the inability to perfectly integrate keyboard and mouse.
Overall, Mossberg states, “The Pro is just not likely to eliminate my laptop use entirely. And I say that knowing that, for instance, there will be better keyboard covers and cases. There already is one: I prefer the Logitech Create I used to write part of this column. But it still doesn’t work nearly as well in my lap as a MacBook Air, partly because, like Apple’s keyboard, it only has one angle.”
This limited potential is what’s separating the iPad Pro from its main competitors. It’s in an awkward phase between an iPad and a laptop, and it hasn’t quite struck the right balance. For that reason, the potential is limited, and other technology may yet reign supreme over this little device.
However, this may be a power play for Apple. It may have been intentional that they developed a device that couldn’t replace a laptop or tablet entirely in order to keep the market strong for their other devices.
Probably one of the largest benefits of the iPad Pro is its major operating system that can balance apps much better than any Microsoft or Android tablet can. Since Apple has a corner on the tech market as one of the leading manufacturers to date, software writers and app developers are more likely to create iOS apps before they create apps for other operating systems.
For that reason, you can accomplish a lot on the Pro compared to the Surface. But with the limitations of the keyboard and mouse interface, it won’t quite beat its largest competitor.
“Graphics folks will love it, but I’m sticking with my iPad Air,” Mossberg states on the whole.
What’s more, this version of the iPad could be great for businesses, particularly startups. It can be utilized for transactions, showing presentations, creating spreadsheets, running numbers, and more. It’s a great device for cutting down on business overhead without sacrificing the functionality.
All in all, the Surface Pro and iPad Pro are still neck and neck in this competition. The awkward state this version of the iPad is in now shows very little potential. Overall, the hardware is just fine, but the structure of the iPad Pro shows that there is a lot of room for improvement, but not a lot of room for growth.
[Image via Stephen Lam/Getty Images]