People throughout Port Charles will be facing shockers during Tuesday’s episode, according to the latest General Hospital spoilers. Jordan’s been gravely injured, Shiloh’s suspicious of Sam, and Ryan has completely fallen for Ava. There’s action ahead on all of these storylines as this week, one that is jam-packed with action as it moves forward.
General Hospital spoilers from the sneak peek shared via Twitter indicate that Lulu will face Franco for a difficult conversation. As The Inquisitr has previously shared, Lulu will be doing an interview with Franco — and he’ll go dark as he continues to claim he’s responsible for all of the recent carnage throughout town.
Obviously, this will be a difficult interview for Lulu, as she still believes Franco is the one who harmed her. Will she leave the interview with an increased sense that things aren’t fitting together quite right with this story?
General Hospital spoilers tease that Curtis will get some company as he stands by Jordan’s side. TJ will be anxious for an update on his mom’s condition, and she’s definitely not out of the woods yet. Others will gather to support Curtis and TJ, and it’s going to take some time before they receive good news about what comes next for her.
“What makes you dangerous?” #GH55
— General Hospital (@GeneralHospital) February 26, 2019
Ryan spontaneously proposed to Ava last week, and General Hospital spoilers share that he’ll kick it up a notch during Tuesday’s show. He’ll produce an engagement ring, and it looks like Ava won’t be able to resist embracing the idea of marrying “Kevin.”
Shiloh had questions for Sam about the status of her relationship with Jason, and she insisted that they are no longer involved. However, as Monday’s show ended, Shiloh saw Sam kissing Jason when she thought nobody else would see it.
From the sounds of things, Shiloh won’t let on that he saw this kiss — at least not yet. General Hospital spoilers share that once he does make his presence known, Sam will try to cover her tracks by tearing into Jason.
Does Sam’s concern for Jason threaten her long con with Shiloh. Click to watch today’s emotional, new #GH – RIGHT NOW: #GH55
— General Hospital (@GeneralHospital) February 26, 2019
Sam will say she’s told Jason over and over again that they’re done, and she’ll finish her tirade with a slap across his face. This is becoming quite the dance between Shiloh and Sam, and viewers will have to stay tuned to see where this heads next.
SheKnows Soaps details that Drew will get some kind of secret message, but it’s not known yet who it’s from — or what it’s about. Alexis will meet with her new therapist again, and Ava will be anxious to start sharing her engagement news.
General Hospital spoilers hint that the truth about Ryan will be exposed soon, but there may be another victim or two before it’s all said and done. Teasers suggest that the next week or two of episodes will be really wild, and fans will not want to miss any of what’s on the way.