Forza Motorsport 6 is expected to be one of the Xbox One games Microsoft will showcase at its E3 presentation on June 15. Information about the racing simulator leaked out over the weekend from the official Xbox Japan website, revealing some noticeable improvements over the series’ first outing on the console.
Forza Motorsport 5 was the debut outing for the franchise on the Xbox One, and a launch title to boot. The constraints of being a launch title resulted in the game getting knocked heavily over its predecessor on the Xbox 360 due to a lack of cars. The two most glaring examples of sparse content were only 200 cars available at launch, plus only 17 tracks.
Forza Motorsport 6 details and images were that were pulled off the Japanese Xbox site via ICXM reveal that many of the reviewer and gamer complaints have been addressed with the newest entry. The racer will come with 450 cars out of the box with working cockpits, which means you can expect the total number to exceed 500 when you add in the eventual DLC releases.
Additionally, there will be 26 “famous locations” to race in, possibly including Rio de Janeiro and Daytona. The Forza series is known for mixing in real-world tracks with fictional tracks, so we’ll have to wait and see what the mix will be this time around. You should expect many of the 17 tracks from Forza Motorsport 5 to return, though, such as Road Atlanta, Sebring, Nurburgring, and Laguna Seca.
Forza 6 itself will run at 1080p and 60 frames per second (fps), just like Forza 5 . Many other features are returning as well, such as tuning, upgrading, and painting cars, as well as 24-player online racing and Drivatars, the cloud-based driver AI that models itself after the driving habits of the people on your friends list.
Some new features that fans of the series have been asking for are coming to Forza 6, though. Night time racing is being added, according to the Xbox Japan information, along with wet weather and 3D puddles. It’s unknown if the time of day and weather conditions in the game will be dynamic at this time, but these are all welcome improvements from a community standpoint and it will be interesting to see how the puddles work with the game’s physics engine.
Microsoft has had no comment on Forza Motorsport 6 other than to confirm it will run at 1080p / 60 fps and to watch its E3 presentation for more information.
[Images via ICXM , Forza Motorsport 5 ]