Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is almost here and the game’s developer rewarded everyone for their patience with a suitably crazy launch trailer.
What was once thought of as a DLC for the series was later revealed to be an insane stand alone game that is set in an alternate universe version of 2007.
The ad campaign has been whacky from the very beginning with an homage to 1980’s style cartoons and advertisment. The launch trailer for the game that was released today stays very much in that theme.
The way that Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was unveiled was in fact so crazy that many thought it was a joke. The fact that it was announced on April 1 only added to those theories.
It turns out that the game is very real and has been getting plenty of love from various critics. The game is not really a part of the actual series which also confused some.
This is a truly stand alone title from the same people who put the other titles in the series together. This one will be downloadable tomorrow for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.
The point of the game is almost as crazy as the advertising campaign. As part man and part machine you take on a number of crazy enemies until you eventually must shoot and kill a massive dragon.
The trailer launch trailer introduces you one more time to the hero of the game, Sergeant Rex Power Colt. Of course, Sergeant Rex Power Colt himself will tell you he’s not a hero.
Instead he would tell you that, “Firemen, policemen … janitors, those are the real heroes.”
The game developers seem to have had quite a bit of fun putting this game together. The PR team seemed to have almost as much fun putting together the ad campaign.
Check out the launch trailer for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and tell us what you think.