With all three major DLCs, the three add-on item packs, the Deluxe Edition upgrade, and the base game included in the Dragon Age: Inquisition Game of the Year Edition , players can experience everything the game has to offer for just one purchase. The Game of the Year edition is available now for PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Players can pick up a retail copy or purchase it digitally from the platform of choice.
The official site points out that Dragon Age: Inquisition won over 130 Game of the Year awards , making the new edition a warranted asset to any players’ shelves. Players will start out by crafting their very own Inquisitor, male or female, by choosing from one of the four available races. Players can make their Inquisitor a human, a dwarf, an elf, or a Qunari to further customize their journey as they work to close the breach. Later, the Inquisitor and allies will work through the main campaign, the Jaws of Hakkon , The Descent , and the Trespasser DLCs while wielding extra weapons and armors from several Spoils packs.
After the story is finished, players can also enjoy the co-op multiplayer aspect of Dragon Age: Inquisition . The multiplayer also has a number of DLCs that add new characters to recruit, new weapons to find, and more. These DLCs are free to download and players are encouraged to download them so that they can easily find other players with the same DLC with more options downloaded. Multiplayer events are still occurring each weekend and will continue until BioWare notifies players otherwise.
The day before the Game of the Year Edition released for Dragon Age: Inquisition , the game also welcomed Patch 11. The patch focused on fixing a few Trespasser DLC issues as well as addressing a few co-op multiplayer bugs. The patch also, notably, made the Red Lyrium Weapon previously only available to players that completed a mini-game on the Dragon Age website available to everyone.
Patch 11 also improved stability of Dragon Age: Inquisition , rectified the low damage of Explosive Shot, and corrected Cassandra mentioned the incorrect love interest for the Inquisitor while in the Winter Palace. On the multiplayer side of the game, the Veilfire event should occur less often and players should no longer see single-player portraits in the multiplayer. A few other fixes are present in Patch 11 and interested players should check out the BioWare Blog for the full notes .
The release of the Game of the Year Edition of Dragon Age: Inquisition was only announced in late September. The Inquisitr reported on the announcement making note of the continued support of the co-op multiplayer challenges for some time. However, there is no more story-based DLC planned for Dragon Age: Inquisition . The Game of the Year Edition marks the end of the story for Inquisition while subsequent games, if developed, will continue telling the Dragon Age story.
Like with most Game of the Year editions, Dragon Age: Inquisition Game of the Year Edition is full retail price at $60 on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Players that might have purchased the base game at release or sometime thereafter will have to pay the full price for the Game of the Year edition if they are looking to upgrade. Players must essentially rebuy the game bundled with the Game of the Year edition if they wish to add the bundle of DLCs and the Deluxe Edition content to their game. This is common when Game of the Year editions release for games, and in the case of Dragon Age: Inquisition the Game of the Year edition marks the end of story-driven DLC for the game.
Should Game of the Year editions have a way for previous purchasers to upgrade at a discount?
[Images via BioWare]