Donald Trump’s campaign is off to a rough start. For one, many of the supporters cheering during his big presidential announcement were paid extras, hired for the day to fill in the crowd. At least Trump promoted fair wages, paying each actor $50 for less than three hours work.
The Hollywood Reporter reportedly obtained the casting call from New York-based Extra Mile Casting.
“We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement. We understand this is not a traditional ‘background job,’ but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought.”
The full email is on the Hollywood Reporter website here .
There were hints beforehand that the supporters were hired extras. For example, the way they cherished their “homemade” signs after their gig.
. @realDonaldTrump staffer not too pumped i took pic of “homemade” signs (passed out to people before event) in trash
— Megan Specia (@meganspecia) June 16, 2015
According to the Daily Mail , the media was first tipped off when Angelo Carusone , described as an anti-Trump activist, spotted two people, Domenico Del Giacco and Kourtney Klotz, he recognized as actors in an Instagram photo.
The Daily Mail reportedly confirmed from sources close to Giacco that he was paid to attend.
One of the main themes of Trump’s speech was his enormous wealth. Certainly filling a room with hired extras at $50 a head is one way to prove it. Unfortunately for the Apprentice host, the practice of filling venues with paid supporters is called astroturfing, and it’s not considered in good taste.
Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is denying the reports of hired extras.
“Mr. Trump draws record crowds at almost every venue at which he is a featured speaker. The crowds are large, often record-setting and enthusiastic, often with standing ovations. Mr. Trump’s message is, ‘Make America great again.’”
Still, that claim also seems suspect. New York Magazine posted photos of Donald Trump’s speech to CPAC two years ago, showing a mostly empty auditorium.
Donald Trump’s campaign has other problems than just having to hire supporters to fill rooms.
As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Neil Young has also taken issue with the announcement, claiming that Trump illegally used his music. The campaign countered saying they had obtained the rights through ASCAP, but the ASCAP document states that if a song is used for a political purpose the user must contact the original publisher. Something Trump’s people apparently forgot about.
It seems like Neil Young is one supporter Trump couldn’t hire, but he has received an incredibly warm reception from the late night comedy crowd. Jon Stewart and his correspondents were – let’s say happy – to hear Donald was throwing his hat in the race (see the clip here ).
Overall, Donald Trump’s campaign has some issues, and requiring hired extras might be one of the bigger problems.
[Image Credit: Getty Images]