Four current and former officials claim that Donald Trump ‘s administration is planning to purge the Department of Defense headquarters of “snakes” that are not on the president’s team, Breitbart reports. The news comes in the wake of his decision to fire top Pentagon policy official John Rood.
“All of them are getting tossed,” a senior administration official told Breitbart News . “You’re either on the team or you’re out, everywhere.”
According to a defense official, Rood was known as someone who did not adhere to Trump’s agenda when it comes to policy or personnel.
“Complaints have made it to the highest levels at the White House for a while now,” they told Breitbart News .
A former administration official called Rood the “most anti-Trump” individual in the president’s administration.
“He openly worked to oppose the president’s policies. He was running his own policy irrespective of the president’s views. “
The defense official also claimed that Rood regularly stonewalled people who were supporters of Trump, as well as political appointees he believed were too cozy with the president and his agenda.
On top of his alleged opposition to Trump’s agenda, the aforementioned Pentagon source said there were other reasons for the removal of Rood, including his lack of leadership and qualities necessary to “strengthen the organization.”
“Neither the career staff nor the politicals thought much of him. With Rood there was a leadership vacuum. He couldn’t manage his way out of a paper bag.”
According to CNN and other outlets, Rood’s firing might have been linked to his support for sending military aid to Ukraine, although the Pentagon has denied this explanation.
Regardless, reports suggest that the sense at the Pentagon is that there is a purge coming for Never Trumpers that are working in opposition to the president.
Trump has long waged a fiery battle against the Never Trumpers that continue to battle him. As The Inquisitr previously reported, the president slammed members of his own party amid the impeachment probe and called them “human scum” that pose a greater danger to the United States than the Democrats.
In an op-ed for The New Yorker , written following Robert Mueller ‘s testimony on his Russia report, John Cassidy wrote that Trump’s “scorched-Earth” approach to politics is a danger to the checks and balances laid out by the Constitution. He noted the “wanton disrespect” that GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee showed Mueller, who he highlighted is a registered Republican and “decorated hero of the Vietnam War.”