Google “Do a Barrel Roll.” Go ahead, Google it. A new Google search Easter egg was found recently and the search term has become a hot topic on Twitter and Facebook.
And if you Googled it, you know why.
Is this some sort of new command feature? Did Google decide to honor Kelly Slater’s 11th World Surfing title with a cool new barrel roll feature?
The Huffington Post notes that the results from “Do a Barrel Roll” are very Siri-esque. (Siri, iphone’s new digital personal assistant, answers questions similar to the famously annoying Cleverbot .) Mashable insists that the search is an homage to Star Fox 64.
Mashable notes that Google will also do a barrel roll if you type in “Z or R twice,” which is how you commanded Star Fox to do a barrel roll in the game.
The Star Fox barrel roll command became an internet meme a few years ago, so it’s possible that the “do a barrel roll” Easter egg has been in Google for a while.
Does anyone else have the urge to go play Star Fox 64?