Teen Mom OG’ s Amber Portwood and her fiance Matt Baier are rumored to have split, which has almost anyone who cared even an ounce for Amber breathing a sigh of relief. The pair have shared a tumultuous relationship over the past several years, and if the current gossip is true, Amber has finally stepped up to the plate and kicked him to the curb.
According to reports, the May-December couple split after Matt failed a lie detector test that Amber Portwood had ordered to see if he was cheating on her. The two have always had trust issues, namely Amber having trouble trusting Matt due to the fact that he may have cheated on her during their relationship and could have kids she doesn’t know about. Due to these problems, Amber has been warned about him on numerous occasions, but she has continued to stay with him, despite pushing their wedding date back.
Although perhaps not the classiest way to do so, even her ex, Gary Shirley, the father of her daughter, Leah, 8, confronted Amber Portwood on an episode of Teen Mom OG with a list of kids that Matt supposedly fathered that she didn’t know anything about. While Gary claims he had Amber’s best interest at heart, he also probably wanted to embarrass his ex on national television as well.
Amber Portwood has come a long way in the past few years, particularly compared to the Amber that we met when Teen Mom OG first aired. The young mother of one has had many brushes with the law, mostly on drug related charges, but also due to assaulting her ex. Knowing she had a drug problem and other mental health issues going along with it, Amber tried to better herself in rehab. Since that didn’t work, she decided to spend a 17 month stint in prison to get rid of her demons.
After leaving prison, the young mom has done well for herself, including starting a few of her own businesses. But the one decision many fans can’t get on board with is her decision to get with, and stay with, Matt Baier.
Many fans saw him as using Amber Portwood for her money and fame, as he had already contacted Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham of the Teen Mom franchise before he hit up Amber.
Recently, rumors surfaced again that Baier had been less than faithful to Amber Portwood during their relationship, and that he may have even fathered a child with someone else while being with “the love of his life,” Amber.
But Amber Portwood may have predicted their split, or at least hinted it in the current season of Teen Mom OG. She has certainly had her fair share of doubts about Matt , but in a preview of the new season, she seems less than thrilled with planning a wedding, something any bride should be ecstatic about.
Instead, Amber Portwood puts on a wedding dress and looks absolutely miserable.
“Get me out of this thing!” she says to her family and friends who are watching her try it on.
She confessed that Matt is in a hurry to get married, but she just isn’t. She also says she can love someone and want to spend to rest of your life with him but not fully trust them.
In another clip of a yet to be aired episode of Teen Mom OG, the pair are seen picking out venues for their wedding. When Matt finds one he likes, he picks up Amber Portwood in excitement, but in a monotone voice, Amber says, “I’m scared.”
Amber Portwood has recently stated that she “doesn’t know” if she and Matt are together, but let’s hope she’s got her running shoes on and finds someone who will improve her life instead of drag her down.
[Featured Image by Rich Polk/Getty Images]