Joe Biden might have just informally endorsed Hilary Clinton for President. Currently occupying the White House as the Vice President, Joe Biden gave remarks published on Monday afternoon where he was quite clear in his desire to see a woman POTUS. The colorful VP gave an interview to Mic and said he doesn’t think there will be any problem with a woman occupying the Oval Office. Biden added he felt the country was plenty ready . The interviewer wasn’t satisfied with those comments and asked Joe Biden flat out whether or not he would like to see a woman president.
“I would like to see a woman elected.”
Biden responded as forthrightly as he could. It appeared at that point, an aide to Biden realized he was stepping into dangerous waters and attempted to end the interview, according to ABC News . Joe Biden’s aide quickly snapped “ that’s it ” but Biden elaborated further. While the obvious leap in logic would be that Joe Biden was officially endorsing Hilary Clinton over her Democratic challenger in Bernie Sanders, he went on to say he wasn’t going to formally endorse a democratic candidate, at least until there’s only one standing.
Another aide to Vice President Biden clarified after the interview that the verbal cue, which seemed to be a way to get the VP out of the room right after he made the comment, was quite a bit more innocent than that. The aide said Joe Biden’s staff was simply trying to make sure he was keeping to his schedule and was not in fact an attempt to wrap up the interview any quicker than it was supposed to be. While he would not pick a favorite, the man who has run for president himself a number of times did jump into the fray a little on Monday afternoon.
Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been sniping at each other a bit more in the last few weeks, with both candidates recently hinting the other is not qualified to be the President of the United States. Biden voiced his belief that both were more than qualified for the job, and he would certainly support whomever ended up being the person to square off against the Republican nominee. At the moment, that nominee looks to be still Donald Trump though his lead in delegates has shrunk over the last few weeks.
In many ways, both party nomination fights are quite similar in that they are both tightening instead of becoming runaways. That has made the job harder for both Joe Biden and Barack Obama to lend their support to the fight, despite steadily rising poll numbers for the administration. That doesn’t mean the VP has stayed out of the race entirely. Breitbart reported that Biden did a bit of campaigning on Monday against the Republican front-runner.
Talking about Donald Trump, the current Veep said he believes words matter, and he believes the words that Trump are using have no place in a political campaign. When he was pressed on just how he would go about demonstrating to Mr. Trump just how abhorrent he found some of the words that were spoken on the campaign trail, especially when it came to women, Biden was clear he wanted to see a backlash in the voting booth.
“He should be held accountable by voting no; that sends a message to tens of thousands of young men and women who think that it’s appropriate to do that, to say that.”
Joe Biden might not have explicitly endorsed Hilary Clinton on Monday, but it’s pretty clear Joe Biden is sending signals that he and his boss might be doing so in the next few weeks.
[Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images]