Bungie gave a sneak peek at some of the new weapons that are coming to Destiny with “The Taken King” expansion. The “news” part isn’t with the three featured weapon manufactures and their handful of armaments, however. Instead, Community Manager David “Deej” Dague’s throw away comment at the end on how weapons will be more unique and varied is the attention-grabbing part for Guardians on PlayStation and Xbox consoles.
“There will be more choices than ever to arm yourself in the Tower,” Dague wrote. “Factions will have their own guns. Classes will have their own guns. More Quests will lead you directly to specific guns. Even the Gunsmith will have a new way to include you in his enterprise.”
There is some superior firepower in the Weekly Update. https://t.co/Cc4DFwjjc4 pic.twitter.com/B5X2WC43r2
— Bungie (@Bungie) July 23, 2015
Factions already have their own weapons in Destiny , so that is no surprise. The big news here is that there will now be class specific guns for players. That’s something we are seeing more of with “The Taken King” as the three new sub-classes will all require completing class-specific quests to obtain. It’s a much needed feature in the game to help increase the uniqueness of the existing classes.
The other bit of good news from Dague’s comment is more quests to obtain weapons. “Vanilla” Destiny came with a number of Exotic weapon quests such as for the Thorn and Invective . “The Dark Below” then added a new multi-stage quest to obtain the Exotic Necrochasm Auto Rifle. While the weapon was disappointing, the buff it will receive in the upcoming 2.0 update looks promising.
Quests will become a more important part of Destiny for not just “The Taken King,” but the game as a whole. Bungie is redesigning the game’s interface to make quests more prominent and show progress through the multiple steps needed to complete. This bodes well for the new weapon quests. The question now is how many we will see in the expansion.
The details on the three featured weapon manufacturers (or foundries) — Hakke, Omolon, and Suros — did contain some interesting details on how the weapons will be more varied with “The Taken King.” For example, Hakke Pulse Rifles will fire a burst of four rounds versus three.
Meanwhile, Omolon stat grid for Legendary weapons will offer a binary choice of perks in the final column. Weapons from this foundry will offer behavioral perks over stat changes. This is the same manufacturer of the Hard Light Exotic Auto Rifle, by the way. You can expect the new weapons to exhibit the same kind of unique shot plus the ability to interact with player’s energy abilities. The following image suggests some synergy between the new Warlock Stormcaller and an Omolon Scout Rifle.
If you are looking for a weapon that has more flexibility with stats, Suros should be your weapon of choice. The Legendary weapons in particular will offer two columns of two stat perks that should offer the maximum flexibility between choosing something that is hard hitting or fast and close quarters or ranged.
What do you think of the coming weapons with the Destiny expansion “The Taken King”? Sound off in the comments below.
[Image via Bungie]