One of the more common complaints these when it comes to video games is that they are too easy and are over too quick. Okay, that’s two but you get the idea, and that is what a new game called Dark Souls aims to correct.
Now if you haven’t heard of Dark Souls I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised, I hadn’t heard about it until the last couple of days, but the fact is that in some markets it is outselling market leader Gears of War 3. The thing to remember here is that GoW3 hit the game scene with a massive advertising budget whereas Dark Souls has been spreading specifically because of word of mouth.
Dark souls has been described by just about everyone that has played it as an awesome game but one that can be brutally hard to win, not just the game as a whole but every single part over every single level of the game. Both Ars Technica and Technologizer have great posts up about the game which speak highly of the game and how hard it is.
Here’s a few game trailers to give you a taste of the pain headed your way with Dark Souls.