The release of Casey Anthony is set to occur- much, much sooner than most of America had hoped- and plans for her safety have been partially disclosed to media.
You may have seen reports that people who look like “tot mom” have been attacked out in public even though Casey Anthony’s release hasn’t yet to occur. Authorities are taking the unusual step of releasing Anthony in the middle of the night- likely around three or four AM- and masking her departure amid a group of identical SUVs.
It’s thought that Anthony will be whisked away to a safe house after her weekend release, for an undisclosed period of time. After that, authorities indicate, “tot mom” is on her own in the general public:
“She’s like every other resident or citizen here,” Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said. “We’re not going to be her personal security. Her attorneys will make appropriate decisions or prepare for her own security after that.”
One place Anthony isn’t likely to return is her parents’ home, due to allegations during the trial made by her lawyer that her father molested her and helped cover up daughter Caylee Anthony’s death. Cindy Anthony, her mother, attempted to visit her after the trial, but Casey refused her a jailhouse meeting.
Long term provisions following Casey Anthony’s release are unclear, and experts say security could run up bills as high as $10,000 a week given the threats posed to Anthony and public sentiment about the not guilty verdict. However, “tot mom” could also profit significantly from book and TV deals described as potentially “lucrative.”