The buzz about the light that appeared over California skies on the night of November 7 hasn’t slowed down conspiracy theorists. As reported by CNN , the Navy test-fired a missile that California residents didn’t expect to see in their skies, and the light in the California sky on that November night stirred a buzz about UFOs on Twitter among the non-famous and famous alike, including celebrities like Khloe Kardashian.
Light in night sky from Navy missile test sparks fear, panic in Southern California.
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) November 8, 2015
As reported by Google Trends, there were 100,000+ searches for “UFO” on Saturday, November 7 — including related searches such as “light in the sky” — with plenty of people in Los Angeles and other California cities turning to Twitter and YouTube to upload their photos and videos related to the mysterious light in the sky. There’s no telling how many more searches for UFOs, missiles and other “light in the sky” queries will continue to flood the Google search engine on Sunday, November 8 until Google updates the public with those numbers. However, the suggested searches on Google and Twitter speak to the popular searches among people in California and beyond, showing there is great interest in the mysterious California light in the sky on November 7.
Merely typing the word California into Google brings up suggestions for UFO, and not just the “November 2015” suggestion coupled with the “California UFO” search term, but other dates in 2015, as well. There’s the “California UFO September 2015” suggestion from Google, gleaned from searches that Googlers are automatically typing into the search engines enough to make it a popular suggestion. Then there are those folks typing “California UFO sightings 2015” into Google, likely striving to glean all the UFO sightings in the state in 2015.
Meanwhile, on YouTube, videos such as the below one titled, “Missile / Meteor Explosion Over California Coast” are gaining plenty of views on the social video sharing site.
Uploaded on November 7, the video has already gained more than 83,000 views within hours. The description by Ian Houser on the YouTube video details the initial experience from those who literally watched the light in the sky over California as the missile test happened. The video’s update expresses doubt, as some Californians like Houser have taken to sharing, over the official explanation of the test firing.
“6pm 11/7/15. At San Onofre beach in southern California. Started as a fireball coming over the ocean, reflecting off the water and showing heat distortion. Explodes at :28 and spent the next five minutes as a glowing, expanding gas cloud radiating down to the surface. It left a blue cloud in the sky for 10 minutes. No sound during the explosion. It was in the sky for a lot longer than what’s shown here. Full video is 4 minutes :
“Update: news is saying this was from Point Mugu, which isn’t possible. This originated miles off the west coast over the ocean and traveled upward and inland. It did explode over the coast near Mugu, so if anything Mugu shot it down. This video starts facing south west oriented to San Clemente island and by the time of explosion I was facing north west.”
Another video of the California missile test launch from RT , as seen below, is also gaining in views. The video shows just how brilliantly blue the missile streak appeared over the California sky, gaining plenty of eyeballs as folks wondered if they were witnessing a comet glowing across the skies over Los Angeles and San Diego. The missile that California residents mistook for a UFO was confirmed by the U.S. Navy as a Trident II ballistic missile test flight, not a meteor or comet. That hasn’t stopped folks tweeting about the California light on Twitter to call it otherwise.
[Image via YouTube/RT ]