World of Goo was one of the best games I played in 2008, bar none. The premise of this clever, gorgeous physics-based puzzler was simple: use tiny, anthropomorphic goo balls to build huge, teetering structures of goo to reach the goal in each level. Though it may not sound it, this was hellishly addictive .
In related news, World of Goo turned one year old today, so the game’s developer 2D Boy is celebrating by selling you the full PC game for whatever you want to pay. A cent. A million bucks. Whatever. In other words, they’ve done a Radiohead .
I paid around $15 for my (Wii) version of World of Goo , but would have paid at least twice that by the time I finished.
Then again, I understand the temptation here. The temptation is to be a tightass and pay a cent for this sublime bit of software. That’s fine. Apparently, 2D Boy wouldn’t mind that . Alternatively, you could not be a jerk, and pay something more deserving, because if any game deserved your support, it’s World of Goo . Whatever you decide to do, go here to get your goo on (though note that the site is currently very shaky).
Oh, and in other related news, 2D Boy has confirmed an iPhone version is in the works:
[Via 2D Boy ]