Former President Bill Clinton doesn’t care if his daughter, Chelsea gives birth to a boy or a girl, he’s just excited that his first grandchild is arriving soon. On Sunday, Clinton dropped hints about his daughter’s due date during an interview on CNN’s Global Public Square , stating that he is officially on “grandbaby watch.”
How long will it be before grandparents to Bill and his wife , former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, start sharing photos of their new grandchild on Twitter? The grandbaby watch is almost over, with Clinton revealing to CNN reporte r Fareed Zakaria that he will be a grandfather by October 1.
“I can’t wait. We’re on grandbaby watch now.”
For those wondering if the Clinton’s new grandchild is a boy or a girl, that’s something neither Bill or Hillary know. Clinton talked about the sex of the baby during his CNN interview on Sunday and said that Chelsea and her husband, investment banker Marc Mezvinsky, “decided not to know” because “they wanted to be surprised.”
CNN ‘s Zakaria asked the former president if he cared if the child was a boy or a girl. Clinton replied with an emphatic “No!” — it’s obvious that he and his wife are just over-the-moon excited for the newest addition to their family and the gender doesn’t matter.
Excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio…grandfather-to-be! @hillaryclinton and I are so happy for Chelsea and Marc!
— Bill Clinton (@billclinton) April 17, 2014
Businessweek reports that grandmother-to-be Hillary Clinton is also counting the days until Chelsea’s baby arrives, expressing her excitement at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum on Friday. She also coined her husband’s term, “grandbaby watch,” when she talked about the baby’s impending arrival.
“Now I’ve been thinking a lot about family because you know I’m on ‘grandbaby watch’… I am well aware that we will do everything possible to prepare this child, to protect this child. But I want that for everybody’s child and everybody’s grandchild. I want every one of our children to feel that they are inheriting the best of America.”
Former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary are now counting down the days until their first grandbaby arrives. Do you think Chelsea will have a boy or a girl?
[Image: AP]