Big Brother has belonged to Amanda Zuckerman this season, but a quick shift in the house and a Power of Veto win for an ally looks like it will put an end to that.
Amanda and in-house boyfriend McRae have been pulling all the Big Brother strings so far this year, forcing the other houseguests to vote the way they wanted. But as the season drew nearer to its conclusion and the number of houseguests whittled away, her former minions started to hint of a revolt against Amanda.
That plan has now been put into action. This week GinaMarie won Head of Household , stunning Amanda and McRae by nominating them .
Though Amanda has been the power behind the couple, the houseguests decided to target McRae first and hope to evict Amanda somewhere else down the line.
That will have to change now. On Saturday McRae won the Power of Veto, which will force GinaMarie to put up a replacement that she’s more closely aligned with.
GinaMarie has at least initially turned down the idea of nominating Elissa, the player popular with fans but hated by her fellow houseguests.
Others in HoH room deciding who will go up as a pawn. Judd suggesting Elissa. GinaMarie says she’s not putting up Elissa. #BB15
— BigBrotherLeak (@BigBrotherLeak) August 31, 2013
Elissa will likely remain in the crosshairs from here on in. The other houseguests had originally planned for her to be the target after McRae, and she’s likely to remain in their sights should Amanda go home this week.
Elissa has already endured days of torment from Amanda, who threw tantrums and berated Elissa (for reasons not entirely clear, other than maybe Elissa’s popularity). Even on Saturday, Amanda took a pile of confetti left over after a luxury competition and dumped it into one of Elissa’s bags.
After her nomination, Amanda seemed to think that Elissa was the one who talked GinaMarie into targeting her.
“You listened to a girl who is bats**t crazy!” Amanda yelled to GinaMarie. “You let her win! She won!”
But after McRae won Head of Household, this will likely be the end of the Big Brother game for Amanda Zuckerman.