Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds. The events below have not aired in an official episode on CBS .
The first two nominees have been put on the block on Season 22 of Big Brother . The second All-Stars season kicked off to stellar ratings Wednesday night, with the first Head of Household (HOH) crowned during the move-in special. Cody Calafiore won the first HOH of the summer, securing his safety in Week 1. The veteran was given the daunting task of placing two of his houseguests on the block, putting them in the running for the first eviction.
According to Big Brother Daily, a live feed Twitter account, Cody nominated Keesha Smith and Kevin Campbell for eviction. This was Cody’s plan for most of Friday, especially after some houseguests became unavailable for nomination yesterday. On Wednesday’s episode, host Julie Chen revealed there would be a safety competition, which was a part of a new twist in the game.
On Thursday, the new competition was held, with Kaysar Ridha taking home the victory. In addition to saving himself from nomination, Kaysar was allowed to select a second player to save as well. The alum opted to save his friend and former BB6 and BB7 roommate Janelle Pierzina. This changed Cody’s plan for nominations, as the duo was the first pair he had his eye on for eviction.
Discussions on the live feeds that went down after nominations suggested that Cody doesn’t have a true target for the week. He caught up with both Keesha and Kevin after the ceremony and told both players that neither of them was his target. The previous runner-up told his other houseguests that it was up to them to decide who the target was for the week and that his job was done.
Cody also reminded the two nominees that they can still win the Power of Veto (POV) competition, which is set to play out in the next few days. The HOH did eventually have a heart-to-heart with Kevin, noting that he didn’t want him to go home. Cody feels like he can form a relationship with the nominee going forward in the game and hopes he either wins the POV or stays safe should he stay on the block.
In a conversation with Da’Vonne Rogers, Keesha admitted she knew she was going to be put up for nomination, especially after Kaysar and Janelle were made safe the day before. Despite expecting to be put up, the blonde still broke down and cried after seeing her photo up on the wall.