Memphis Garrett is the newest Head of Household on Big Brother All-Stars . The veteran player won a true-false live HOH competition on Thursday night after the eviction of Keesha Smith . Shortly after winning, Memphis was bombarded by his fellow houseguests over who he might consider putting on the block. He dodged several of his roommate’s conversations and announced he just wanted to go to bed, pushing most of the planning into Friday morning.
One key point Memphis made just after winning, however, was that he felt it was too early in the season to backdoor anyone, according to Big Brother Network . As of last night, the HOH was still debating between going after a major target or taking the easy way out.
He later told Cody Calafiore that this “easy way” would be putting up Nicole Anthony and David Alexander. Cody eventually threw out Ian Terry’s name, and both men agreed he would probably be voted out if he was sitting on the block, given that he has won the game before.
Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha’s names were also mentioned by Memphis, but Cody reminded him that they have a good rapport with the latter. He then admitted that he is more scared of Bayleigh Dayton and Da’Vonne Rogers in the game, than the former all-stars season players.
It’s suspected that Memphis is being coy with many of his roommates, in an effort to get as many houseguests as possible to play in the Safety Suite competition. That competition will be played out Friday afternoon, with the winner will be revealed in discussions on the live feeds after its completion.
Tyler was on to this strategy by his roommate, telling Da’Vonne his thoughts on the matter.
“Memphis is trying to scare the f*ck out of people so as many people play and he has got it easy next week,” the BB21 runner-up said.
Dani Briones and Tyler later discussed Janelle and Kaysar being the targets and what’s going on with them in the house.
“I just wonder what he’s going to do. It sounded like he doesn’t want to touch Kaysar and Janelle. I don’t think anyone does. It’s dangerous. Janelle is stirring up so much stuff, but that doesn’t need to be worried about right now,” Dani commented.
The conversation also alluded to Memphis playing both sides, which is what happens in the house when you don’t really give any of your roommates answers on anything. Some of his fellow players are starting to think he’s playing the fence a little too hard, and it could affect him going forward. For now, it looks like David and Nicole A. will see themselves on the block, but anything can change.