Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal the houseguests experienced an action-packed day. They finally sent Paulie Calafiore to the jury house but have another problem on their hands, and his name is Paul Abrahamian. On Friday afternoon, Michelle Meyer learned that she won the Care Package for the week. She will be the co-HOH for the week, earning the privilege of naming one of the two nominations for eviction. At first, Natalie Negrotti was excited about sharing the HOH duties with Michelle, but it quickly turned into a pain when she realized how indecisive she was about who she wanted to nominate.
Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that Natalie and Michelle are at odds about who they want to nominate for eviction this evening. Natalie thought they decided to put Victor Arroyo and Paul on the block, but now, Michelle tells her that she “doesn’t want to nominate Victor.” Natalie explains that she cannot go forward with her nomination speech if she doesn’t do her part by putting Victor on the block, and adds that Victor will not be offended — it’s a strategic game move.
Now Michelle is complaining that Paul has said “I swear to God” but is an atheist. Nat made same complaint. #BB18
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 19, 2016
Even so, Michelle struggles with her decision and explains that she wants to put Nicole Franzel on the block. Natalie promised Nicole that she wouldn’t be placed on the block this week and begins to panic. Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that Natalie begins to explain why nominating Nicole is a bad idea, while Michelle insists that she “isn’t sure what to do.”
Meanwhile, Corey is irritated that Michelle won the Care Package and stated that “some people have all the luck.” Nicole arrives and lets him know about the tension in the HOH room. She tells him that Michelle and Natalie are “at odds about the nominations.” Nicole panics as it dawns on her that she and Corey are now at risk to go on the block. Corey tries to calm her down, but she worries that her Big Brother game may be over.
finally realized who Nicole & Corey remind me of: the grandparents in Willy Wonka #65DaysinBed #bb18
— hamsterwatch #bbcan11 (@hamsterwatch) August 19, 2016
Joker Updates reports that Michelle and Natalie decide to talk to Victor about putting him on the block, and get his take on Corey, Nicole, and Paul. Victor claims that he would not use the POV (Power of Veto) to save Paul if he wasn’t on the block, and tried to defend some of Paul’s outrageous behavior.
Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that Victor believes this is the perfect time to take a shot at Corey and get out a huge threat in the game. He voices the fear that if he’s on the block, James Huling, Nicole, and Corey will evict him. He made a few valid points, but it seems like a risky move to keep Victor at this point in the Big Brother game.
Paul has been talking to the camera/us for close to an hour now. #BB18
— BigBrotherLeak (@BigBrotherLeak) August 15, 2016
Hamster Watch reports that Victor and Paul are on the block. Apparently, Paul was not happy about his nomination. He demanded to know why he’s on the block, and then claimed, “he never cared.” Paul seemed genuinely upset that Natalie pegged him as a liar in her nomination speech. Paul added that he wanted to call a Big Brother house meeting to get “all his lies” in the open. Natalie told him to calm down because she will not argue with him.
Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that Michelle nominated Paul and Natalie put Victor on the block. Victor doesn’t seem to be upset about being on the block and feels confident that he’ll stay over Paul. Big Brother spoilers indicate that Natalie and Michelle agree that they do not want to backdoor anyone this week. That could change, depending on the outcome of the POV competition tomorrow evening.
Big Brother houseguests will battle each other tomorrow for the POV, and the chance to take one of the nominees off the block. You can bet that Paul will make sure he’s ready to compete so he can stay in the Big Brother house for another week.
Big Brother 18 fans, are you surprised by Week 9 nominations? Who do you want to win the POV competition tomorrow? Stick with the Inquisitr for more Big Brother 18 spoilers, news, and daily live feed updates.
[Image Via CBS]