This August 25 Big Brother 18 recap comes from the Thursday night episode. The BB18 house had to decide who it was going to make the fifth member of the jury. By the end of the hour, the houseguests would also be learning that the newly evicted player (either Victor Arroyo or Corey Brooks) was going to get a chance to compete for re-entry against the rest of the BB18 jury. This episode of the show was aired by CBS on Thursday, August 25, at 9 p.m. PT/ET.
As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Da’Vonne Rogers, Zakiyah Everette, Bridgette Dunning, Paulie Calafiore, and either Victor or Corey would take center stage by the end of the August 25 episode. The first five members of the BB18 jury were competing to get back into the game and gain a one-in-seven shot at the $500,000 prize. It had also been revealed that the returning jury member would be eligible to compete in the Head of Household competition and also receive votes for the next Care Package from America.
They’re ready to compete tonight! #BB18
— BigBrotherLeak (@BigBrotherLeak) August 26, 2016
Back to the August 25 Big Brother 18 recap, as host Julie Chen introduced the episode by stating a lot of firsts, fights, and flip-flops were going to be displayed over the next hour. It was then time for the “previously on Big Brother ” segment, where the past week highlights were revealed in the BB18 house. It included Natalie Negrotti becoming the Head of Household, Michelle Meyer becoming co-HOH through the Care Package, and the ladies putting up Paul Abrahamian and Victor Arroyo as the two nominees for eviction.
Continuing the review of previous events in the house, Paul Abrahamian was shown winning the Week 9 Veto, securing his safety from getting evicted. Michelle Meyer then had to name a replacement, deciding to go with Corey Brooks as the second nominee. It all led to the Thursday night “live” eviction, where the three voting houseguests had to decide whether it is Victor or Corey going to the jury next. Those three voters were James Huling, Nicole Franzel, and Paul Abrahamian.
The women of Jury do a mug cheers when they see his eviction. #BB18
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 26, 2016
As for the new footage from this August 25 Big Brother 18 recap, it was shown that James Huling would be the swing vote for the upcoming eviction. It was expected that Paul Abrahamian would be voting to evict Corey Brooks, and that Nicole Franzel would be voting to evict Victor Arroyo. This left James as the one who would ultimately decide who became the seventh member of the BB18 jury. This is where paranoia began to take over the house, with Paul and Victor doing everything possible to get James on their side.
Paul worked hard through most of the early footage in the August 25 Big Brother 18 episode, trying to prove to James Huling that he was working with Corey Brooks and Nicole Franzel. His idea was to spend as much time as possible with Corey and Nicole, all while making sure to do it in front of James and Natalie Negrotti. His plan was to turn James against Corey, thus helping to keep Victor Arroyo in the house a bit longer.
After a long commercial break, an event that was among the most sought out Big Brother 18 spoilers was finally revealed. That event was the arrival of Paulie Calafiore at the BB18 jury house. First, the producers showed how well Da’Vonne Rogers, Bridgette Dunning, and Zakiyah Everette have been getting along in the jury house. Then it was time to have Paulie arrive at the front door. The fireworks were almost immediate.
Paulie’s welcome wagon #bb18
— hamsterwatch #BB18 (@hamsterwatch) August 26, 2016
Paulie entered the BB18 jury house still acting overconfident and he got called out by each of the three women. As they began watching the footage of Paulie getting sent packing by Head of Household Victor Arroyo, the ladies began laughing and cheering at what had just happened. Paulie then started in with his sexist comments again, likely turning more viewers against him in the process. He was claiming to be the best player in the house (still), but really got put in his place by the three women.
Following the jury segments and another commercial break, this August 25 Big Brother 18 recap headed to the eviction ceremony. Victor Arroyo and Corey Brooks each gave their speeches before it was time to make the vote. Nicole Franzel had the first vote, choosing to evict Victor on her turn. Then it was Paul Abrahamian, who created a tie by voting to evict Corey. That left it up to James Huling, who decided to finish off Victor. By a vote of 2-1, Victor became the fifth member of the BB18 jury.
Michelle just noted it was only 6:27 PM PT. She wonders if someone is coming right back… #BB18
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 26, 2016
The interview with host Julie Chen and Victor went really well, with Victor showing a lot of gratitude to have had a second opportunity this summer. After he was shown his goodbye messages, Julie Chen revealed that he was going to compete in the BB18 Jury Competition. This news was well-received, giving the fans in the “live” audience something to cheer about. Julie Chen then announced that the Jury Competition was going to take place before the conclusion of the one-hour episode.
It was then time to tell the first four members of the BB18 jury that they would be competing for a chance to get back in the game. Da’Vonne Rogers was the most excited to hear the news, but Paulie Calafiore certainly seemed confident that he was going to easily win this competition. He also predicted that he would be winning the next Head of Household competition and go after his new targets in the house. Through the magic of editing, the first four jury members were then shown on stage, soon to be joined by Victor Arroyo as the fifth member of the jury.
Who will it be, @JulieChen ? #ButFirst #BB18
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 26, 2016
Julie Chen broke the news to the final six houseguests in the game, letting them know that a dual endurance competition would be taking place this evening. While the first five members were competing to see who gets to be back in the game, everyone would also be competing to see who would emerge as the next Head of Household. The last jury member left in the competition gets back in the house, while the last houseguest standing gets to be the HOH. This is going to present a lot of Big Brother 18 spoilers for fans, with the full endurance competition playing out on the CBS live feeds.
[Photo by CBS Big Brother/Twitter]