Big Brother 17 spoilers now include the Week 8 nominations for eviction. These Big Brother 17 spoilers came out Friday afternoon, August 14, with the new Head of Household announcing her intentions. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Liz Nolan won the latest HOH competition, giving her alliance a lot of power in the BB17 house. Now a report from fan site Big Brother Network has confirmed her nominations for the week.
Liz Nolan has nominated Becky Burgess and John McGuire for eviction. This isn’t too surprising, as she had already worked this out with showmance partner Austin Matelson, and her twin sister Julia Nolan. Now it’s simply a matter of letting their plan play out and to get another person from the other side of the house evicted. Currently, the main target is going to be Becky, with the backup option of targeting James Huling, should they need a replacement nominee.
Everything is falling into place very nicely for Liz, Julia, and Austin, but also for Vanessa Rousso, who has remained part of that group through the past few evictions. It seems, at least for now, that these latest Big Brother 17 spoilers guarantee that Vanessa makes it to Week 9, even though she has ruffled the feathers of nearly everyone in the BB17 house. How she survived the last eviction that sent Shelli Poole to the jury house was certainly a masterful move by her, possibly keeping Vanessa as one of the favorites to win the $500,000 prize this season.
The upcoming Veto competition will be extremely important for Becky Burgess, as she has to win it to remain in the house. James Huling and Meg Maley each have to realize how important it has become for the nominations to stay the same as well, because a slight shift could lead to one of them becoming a replacement nominee. The goal is to hang on for another week, try to win the next HOH competition, and hope that a new Big Brother twist will bring an ally like Jackie Ibarra back into the game.
The next episode on CBS will cover everything that has happened to this point, with that air date set for Sunday night, August 16. By then, though, the Veto competition will have already been played, revealing who Liz Nolan will choose as her final target for eviction in Week 8. While those future Big Brother 17 spoilers could be interesting, everything points to this being a relatively boring week to most live feed viewers.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]