Shooting for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has been underway since May, and is expected to continue until at least late 2014, but those involved in the production have managed to remain tight-lipped — until now.
A 41-year-old waiter/bartender, who worked as an extra on the hugely anticipated blockbuster, has now been talking to MLive. The unnamed man, who admitted to being knowledgable about comic books, opened up about his experiences. After slowly being won over by director Zack Synder, the man is 100 percent certain the film will be a huge success.
“Now [that] there’s the technology with these movies, I think ‘Batman V Superman,’ based on the Frank Miller stories, [is] going to be a great movie. I’m hoping that it blows ‘Avatar’ out of the water. ‘Avatar’ is a beautiful movie, but it’s the same old story. I want it to be knocked off the top, and I think fans should expect to be blown away (with ‘Batman V Superman’) and damn near have tears in their eyes.”
The anonymous man also thinks that there are going to be several elements to the film that will surprise viewers and will help to set-up future additions to DC’s burgeoning cinematic universe.
“I think there are going to be a few little things (in the film) where fans are going to be like, ‘What?’ But I think they’ll understand later.”
However he is also aware of how much pressure is on the likes of Snyder, Ben Affleck, who will play Batman in the superhero hybrid, Jesse Eisenberg, and Henry Cavill, and that whatever they produce will be criticized.
“I think sometimes nerds take things to seriously, you know, when it comes to these movies. This is coming from a half-nerd, a half-geek. With these types of films, you can’t take them too seriously. I think ‘Man of Steel’ was a great reboot, and Zack Snyder did a great, great job. And I came up with Christopher Reeve (as Superman). Just even as an aesthetic look, (Reeve) looked like Superman.”
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is the follow-up to 2013’s Man of Steel , which was also directed by Snyder and starred Henry Cavill as Superman. The sequel will include Affleck and Eisenberg — who is playing Lex Luthor — as well as Holly Hunter, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, and Laurence Fishburne. The movie will be released on March 25, 2016.