Ainsley Rodriguez showed a unique way to train the lower body at home in the most recent video series on her Instagram page. Dressed in a black sports bra and pink booty shorts, Ainsley incorporated two hand towels into the workout.
In the first clip, the Miami-based fitness model performed a set of mountain climbers. For this exercise, she got on her hands and knees and placed one towel under the balls of each of her feet. In her caption, she recommended doing the exercise for 45 seconds and recommended taking a 15-second rest before starting them again. Then, she moved on to doing curtsy lunges with a towel under her active foot which she slid diagonally behind her. The third clip saw her knock out a set of glute bridge in-and-outs which required her to lay on the floor with her hips thrust upward. With the towels beneath her feet, she pushed her them forward and then back.
After that, she did another exercise called “in and outs” but this move required her to start with a sit-up while holding two of the towels tied together. She then swung the joined towels over her legs and back again. Her caption suggested doing 45 seconds of this exercise before taking a 15-second rest.
Next, she did front lunges into back lunges with the towels under both feet, sliding the active behind her during each rep.
When she was done with those, she moved on to doing plank pull throughs which meant that she had to push a towel under her raised body as she held the plank position.
The post has been liked more than 18,000 times, as of this writing, and over 500 Instagram users have commented on it. In those comments, several fans quipped that including the tea towels in the exercise was a great way to keep the floors clean.
“Also if you have hardwoods you can put down some Murphy’s Oil Soap get them babies shining killing two birds with one stone,” one person wrote.”
“Workout annnnd clean the floor,” another added. “Smart!”
“Damn, your the best. and I can clean the floors at the same time,” a third person remarked. “Nice!” ”
“Cool! Can you come work out at my house? There are so many wonderful hardwood floor…I mean work out spaces for you to clean,” a fourth commenter wrote. “Oops I mean utilize.”
Ainsley saw the comment and responded that she actually hates cleaning.