Kanye West: Kazakhstan Concert Earns Singer $3 Million, But No Fans

Kanye West was reportedly paid $3 million to perform at a Kazakhstan wedding this weekend. It may have been a lucrative gig, but the performance isn’t winning the rapper any fans.

The Independent reports that Kanye West was reportedly paid $3 million to perform at Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s grandson’s wedding. Aysultan Nazarbayev, 23, and Alima Boranbayeva, 20, were married this weekend during a lavish ceremony in Kazakhstan.

The highlight of the night was a performance by Kanye West. Well, maybe. But more on that later.

First let’s talk about the absurd amount of money that was spent to get Kanye West to perform. Kazakhistan residents were furious that Kanye was paid $3 million for a few hours of work. Especially since much of Kazakhstan is in dire need of help.

Kazakh web user Anomin writes: “Really stupid, we, the Kazakhs, for the money could have provided so many villagers with water, gas and etc, and taken care of children in orphanages.”

Another adds: “Someone takes 3m dollars out of the country for his failed songs, and here I am shaking for 20,000 tenge (Kazakhstan currency) of unpaid taxes.”

But the money isn’t the only controversial issue surrounding Kanye West’s Kazakhstan concert. Several of the musicians fans are also upset that Kanye ignored alleged human rights violations in order to make some easy money.

Human Rights Watch accuses Kazakhstan of “credible allegations of torture, the imprisonment of government critics, tight controls over the media and freedom of expression and association, limits in religious freedom, and continuing violation of workers’ rights.”

Similar accusations were made in 2011 when Sting was scheduled to perform for the president. Sting pulled out of the concert, however, saying: “The Kazakh gas and oil workers and their families need our support and the spotlight of the international media on their situation in the hope of bringing about positive change.”

But perhaps the most shocking aspect of Kanye’s concert in Kazkhstan is the fact that no one really cared that he was there. The wedding guests seemed disinterested in the singer’s performance, opting to take selfies instead of paying attention to the concert.

kanye west

Are you surprised that Kanye West played a concert in Kazakhstan?

kanye west kazahkstan wedding

Here are some videos of Kanye’s performance.

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