Bloodhound Gang: US Ambassador Calls Flag Desecration ‘Disgusting’

Controversial rock outfit the Bloodhound Gang is catching it from all sides after their bassist was caught on video desecrating the Russian flag.

In addition to offending the Russian government and countless citizens, US Ambassador Michael McFaul was taken aback by the band’s behavior. Shortly after word of the incident started to spread, McFaul posted his thoughts about the situation on Twitter.

“I find the actions of Bloodhound Gang disgusting. I also condemn the act of violence against them,” he wrote in Russian on the micro-blogging site.

Bloodhound Gang bassist Jared Hasselhoff managed to get the attention of the entire planet after he was caught on video wiping his backside with the Russian flag. According to the musician, any object he throws into the audience must first pass through his pants.

The consequences for his behavior were immediate. After getting booted from the Ukraine music festival, the band was essentially asked to leave the country. Not only did angry residents throw eggs at the group’s van, a handful of activists reportedly assaulted the guys at an airport.

Although the bit with the flag may have seemed like a goofy gag at the time, the Bloodhound Gang may have ultimately ruined the party for any overseas artist looking to perform in Russia. Lawmakers could prevent certain foreign musicians from scheduling any shows in the country.

State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Alexei Pushkov explained:

Any artist, who wants to come and visit us, should understand that it is not just appropriate to respect the laws of their own country when they are at home, but Russian laws when they are in Russia. Recently there have been too many attempts to influence Russia by famous performers and rock-singers.

Hasselhoff has since apologized for his behavior at the musical festival. However, it would appear that the damage is already done. The controversial band is currently banned from performing in Russia.

Video of the incident is embedded below.

What do you think about the Bloodhound Gang’s desecration of the Russian flag? Do you agree that the bass player’s behavior was “disgusting”?

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