Prince Harry Reportedly Got A Pedicure Before Giving Barefoot Speech At Google Camp

Prince Harry was well prepared for his speech at Google Camp last week. He reportedly got a pedicure before the big event, according to The Sun.

Harry, 34, and Meghan, 37, enjoy pedicures, massages, and other spa treatments provided at hotel Coworth Park in Ascot, sources told the publication. The royal couple regularly visits the five-star hotel, which costs more than $600 per night. Therapists from the spa also make visits to the royal couple’s Frogmore home for special treatments. Harry and Meghan reportedly use a secluded cottage on the grounds for their private sessions, and they often bring baby Archie and their dogs with them.

“Harry and Meghan like regular treatments at Coworth and visited recently for pedicures and massages,” a source said.

“Meghan likes to have the same therapists and a new one has to be supervised by someone she has already approved before they’re allowed to treat her on their own,” the source added.

“Harry likes getting his feet done and also has massages due to his polo injuries.”

Several news outlets have reported that Harry gave a passionate speech about saving the environment at Google’s climate change conference in Italy — in his bare feet.

The Daily Mail reported that Harry attended the event in 2017 and may have even taken Meghan with him. The two made their first public appearance together at a polo match a week after the event.

Many celebrities and power brokers attended the event, and while their intentions to combat global warming might be good, they were criticized for using more than 110 planes and private jets to get to the location. Harry was among those chided, as he reportedly arrived at the event via a private jet and helicopter.

Harry’s old military buddies seemed surprised that Harry would pamper himself with pedicures.

One source said that Harry had “changed” since his days in the military.

Another source said that Harry used to be a “proper bloke,” adding that he liked to drink and did not care how he looked.

“In his Army days, he would have laughed if someone had offered him a pedicure. Now he’s pontificating about saving the world and doesn’t smoke or drink,” the source said.

As far as the barefoot speech, Buckingham Palace did not confirm if Harry attended the Google Camp or how he got there.

A spokeswoman told The Daily Mail that the event was something she was not commenting on.

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