Alec Baldwin’s Wife Sued, Friends Say Yoga Injury Was Bad

Have you read that Alec Baldwin’s wife was sued over a yoga class mishap and that Hilaria Thomas has been accused of allowing a severe injury in one of her NYC studio sessions?

News emerged last week that Baldwin’s wife had been sued by a student after a handstand injury that many believed might not be all that serious. After all, how dangerous is yoga, right? Yuppie housefraus would be dropping dead all over the place if yoga presented such a grave danger.

But after we learned Baldwin’s wife was being sued, some details came out — and while lawsuits are often two very different stories on their side, the injury did sound quite brave.

Gawker (in the course of a post about the person suing Thomas) received a comment from a person claiming to be a friend of the young man allegedly injured in the yoga class, Spencer Wolff. The commenter shed a little light on what his or her friend endured as a yoga injury, telling the site that while it may have sounded like a frivolous bit of litigation, Wolff did indeed sustain a seemingly big and seemingly avoidable injury.

The site quotes the commenter on the injury that got Alec Baldwin’s wife sued:

“I know Spencer, basically what happened is that the yoga class was over crowded, he was forced to be right up against a large window in the 6th floor studio. In the class they were doing handstands, in the overcrowded studio he was thrown off balance and instead of crashing into the person in front of him he went to the side to avoid hitting anyone, his leg went through the window which was not safety glass, it shattered and he impaled his leg on a huge shard of glass …”

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The commenter continues, suggesting that had the force of the pose been any stronger, Wolff could have fallen to his death from the yoga studio:

” … slicing through the muscle to the bone in a number of places, basically shredding the muscles in his leg and now he has to go through a lot of physical therapy to regain movement in his foot. Having large non-safety glass windows in a 6th floor studio that is overcrowded with people doing things like handstands is pretty insane, if he had gone through with more force he could have fallen out completely.”

On Twitter, Baldwin says his wife is being sued as harassment.

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