Meghan McCain And Abby Huntsman Defended Ivanka Trump’s Emails On ‘The View’ Causing Chaos

Things descended into chaos on The View after hosts Meghan McCain and Abby Huntsman defended Ivanka Trump’s email situation.

First, McCain and Huntsman admitted that it was “hypocrisy” for Ivanka to use her personal email for White House work emails especially considering President Donald Trump and his base often called for Hilary Clinton’s prosecution for using her personal email account.

Joy Baher asked, “This girl was there in 2016, was she in a convent? She was watching TV just like the rest of us. How dumb can a person be to make the same mistake that he’s been b*tching about the whole time?”

Co-host Sunny Hostin weighed in on her experience in working for the government in the Justice Department for years, and she said the email protocol was something that they covered right up front. Because of that, Hostin called “BS” on Ivanka’s claims she didn’t know the rules. She also noted that Ivanka’s position at the White House under the Trump administration is unprecedented and that it’s nepotism. Plus, Ivanka made millions off the Trump hotel last year, in part, due to her father being president.

Baher chimed in that she thinks there will soon be a constitutional crisis over the way the Trumps have benefitted from the Trump White House. The women believe that Trump and his family are violating the emoluments clause, which prohibits Trump from personally profiting from dealings with foreign governments as president.

However, Huntsman acknowledged that the situation is hypocritical, but then she said she doesn’t think Ivanka used her personal email for classified information as Clinton did. Later, McCain pointed out that Clinton had a professional delete her emails and her assistants smash her devices with a hammer.

Ultimately, both Huntsman and McCain felt that the topic should’ve been something other than Ivanka’s emails, but Joy Behar said she felt they are pertinent.

Hostin berated the conservative co-hosts for essentially giving Ivanka a “pass” on this situation when she should’ve known much better after her dad spent much of his time running for president on how awful Clinton’s email situation was for the national security of the United States.

Ultimately, Whoopie Goldberg tried to reign in her co-hosts during their discussion, but it devolved into a shouting match with several of the women attempting to talk at once. When they would not settle down and have a conversation that viewers could understand, the show eventually cut away to a commercial break.

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