Jenelle Evans Is Reportedly Pregnant As Fans Claim She Has Baby Bump In New Instagram Post

Jenelle Evans is “definitely pregnant,” according to some fans who have analyzed her latest Instagram post and found what they deem to be a “baby bump.”

As OK! Magazine reports, Evans, 26, recently stopped by New York to film segments of the Teen Mom 2 reunion special for MTV with Dr. Drew. And of course, these days celebs hardly do anything without posting about it on social media – which is exactly what Jenelle did, teasing the upcoming special with an Instagram post.

These days, it seems that whenever a woman of childbearing age posts on social media, fans like to analyze every pixel for signs of a pregnancy. And that’s just what Jenelle’s fans did with her most recent post.

cameronredora: R u pregnant j_evans1219

angieh824: She looks pregnant

Now, there are several factors to be considered here. First, just because she looks slightly pregnant-ish doesn’t mean that she’s pregnant. Any number of things could have led to the supposed “baby bump” that fans are seeing. It could be the way the fabric of her dress was hanging across her abdomen at the moment the camera’s shutter snapped. Maybe Jenelle has gained some weight. Maybe she’d just eaten a big lunch. Maybe she was retaining water for a biological reason that shan’t be discussed in polite company.

In other words, nobody knows but Jenelle and whomever else she feels like telling.

Which brings us to our next point: speculating on if a woman is pregnant is impolite to say the least, as other Instagram users pointed out.

jadeandkids If she’s pregnant. I’m sure she will let everybody know when she’s ready.

As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, fans love speculating on the supposed pregnancies of celebrity women of child-bearing age, particularly when their social media accounts contain photos of their abdomens. Just ask all of the Duggar women – women born into the family and women who married into the family. So rampant has been speculation about whether or not this Duggar woman or that Duggar woman is pregnant that it’s almost become a cottage industry in the celebrity reporting industry.

As for Jenelle, you may remember that she skipped the Teen Mom 2 reunion in New York a few weeks ago, which is why she and Dr. Drew got together to film their scenes separately. As for why, insider reports say it boiled down to money.

If Jenelle Evans is pregnant, it would be with her fourth child.

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