WWE News: ‘205 Live’ General Manager Revealed As Superstar Debuts

On Tuesday night, the WWE’s 205 Live show finally had its brand new general manager revealed to the WWE Universe. There had been speculation for several days leading up to the big announcement that it might be a number of superstars taking the reigns of the show including former SmackDown GM Vickie Guerrero or WWE superstar Rey Mysterio. Instead, the position has been handed over to a newcomer to the WWE, who made himself famous as a superstar on WWE’s competitor.

On the latest episode of 205 Live, SmackDown Live General Manager Daniel Bryan arrived out on stage along with the brand new general manager for the Cruiserweight division show. Bryan got the fans hyped up saying they’d brought in someone to give the fans “the kind of action that everybody wants.” From there he introduced the new 205 Live General Manager, Drake Maverick.

The announcement didn’t receive the biggest reaction from the crowd. One commentator quickly pointed out that Maverick was previously known as “Rockstar Spud.” Professional wrestling fans who are familiar with TNA know of him, while those who mainly follow WWE may not.

Spud originally won the TNA Wrestling: British Boot Camp competition show and landed a job with the company. He would work with TNA from 2013 through 2017 and initially began as a Chief of Staff for Dixie Carter. During his time on the roster, Spud captured the TNA X Division Championship twice.

While part of the TNA Impact Wrestling scene for many years he was also involved in storylines with Ethan Carter III aka “EC3.” The man who has also been known as Derrick Bateman has now signed on with WWE again and will work on the NXT roster for the time being.

One has to think that Rockstar Spud aka “Drake Maverick” will get his star in the General Manager role but that will probably change. He is a competitor from TNA’s X Division which seems to have him suited for some in-ring work with the Cruiserweights.

Spud aka Maverick will probably continue to train a bit until WWE is comfortable having him more involved in matches or other angles, but for now, it appears they’re going to ease him into things on the roster. Among his first orders of business was to announce a Cruiserweight Championship tournament, as reported by WWE.com website.

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