Meaning Behind The Undertaker’s Promo During ‘Raw’ 25 Revealed

Last night, WWE celebrated the 25th anniversary of Raw. For weeks, the WWE Universe speculated about major angles that were planned for the show, and nothing was more anticipated than The Deadman’s return to WWE television. The expectation was The Undertaker would set up a huge match with John Cena for the grandest stage of them all, but WWE fans were left disappointed when all he did was cut a cryptic promo.

There is some speculation that The Undertaker’s promo was his way of announcing his retirement from the ring, but the WWE Universe was expecting a straight answer regarding his future. With the ‘Royal Rumble‘ PPV taking place this Sunday, it seems that WWE officials were more focused on building to the event and taking a stroll down memory lane on Raw than they were about booking matches for WrestleMania 34 this April.

After last night’s show, it was quickly reported by CageSideSeats that The Undertaker vs. John Cena is still the plan for both men in New Orleans. However, their match will be announced over the coming weeks and not during Raw’s 25th anniversary, as the rumors suggested. If that’s the case, then last night’s promo from The Undertaker should be considered a preview of things to come and to keep the WWE Universe talking.

‘The Undertaker could make several appearances on Raw after the Royal Rumble PPV.’

It’s also being reported by Sportskeeda that WWE officials felt it was more important for Cena and Elias to begin their rivalry heading into the ‘Royal Rumble.’ Their feud is expected to continue on Raw for weeks to come, and the WrestleMania match between The Undertaker and John Cena will be announced when their feud was ended. The WWE Universe should remain hopeful after The Undertaker’s appearance last night.

The Deadman’s health has improved dramatically after undergoing hip surgery after WrestleMania 33, and many of his peers believe The Undertaker has another match in him. It seems the long-awaited rivalry with John Cena will happen after the ‘Royal Rumble.’ Last night may have been a disappointment to some fans, but WWE officials have a solid plan heading into WrestleMania 34, and The Undertaker is a huge part of it.

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