Meghan Markle Wins Hearts On Royal Visit To Cardiff With Prince Harry

Just a few short months ago, Meghan Markle was best known for her role as Rachel Zane in American TV show Suits. Since then Markle and Prince Harry became engaged, and a Royal Wedding is planned for this spring. There can be no doubt that Ms. Markle has been thrust into the media spotlight in a way that few will ever experience. A few minutes ago, Meghan and Prince Harry arrived at Cardiff Castle for a royal visit, and the royal couple was greeted by a large crowd of well-wishers.

Prince Harry and Ms. Markle showed that they intend to be a very different royal couple. After spending a few minutes greeting dignitaries, Harry and Meghan wandered off to greet members of the crowd. During a live broadcast on the BBC, newsreader Simon McCoy remarked that Ms. Markle was “a complete natural” as a member of the British royal family.

Both Meghan and Prince Harry appeared to be very relaxed as they laughed smiled and joked with onlookers. Ms. Markle and Prince Harry even posed for “selfies” with some members of the crowd. As reported by the BBC, the visit to Cardiff is just the third official royal engagement for Meghan Markle, so she would have been forgiven if she had appeared a little nervous, but there were no signs of nerves.

One delighted onlooker even said, “I think Harry and Meghan are great and Cardiff will love them, she can be our princess of Wales.” Royal Watchers will be well aware that Princess Diana, Prince Harry’s mother, was Princess of Wales. Like Diana, Meghan Markle is already displaying signs that she too could become “the people’s princess.”

Of course, not even royalty is immune to the vagaries of the British railway system. As reported by Metro, Meghan and Prince Harry’s train arrived in Cardiff an hour late. Ironically, the journey from London to Cardiff should take just two hours, so a one hour delay on a two-hour journey is a pretty significant one, and it left royal watchers braving the January weather for longer than they had anticipated.

Meghan Markle will have to get used to media attention, but let’s not forget that “bizarre” and royalty often go hand-in-hand. For example, as reported by USA Today, London Zoo has named a newborn Okapi after Meghan. For those who are not in the know, an Okapi is a mammal that has striped hindquarters like zebras, but they are related to giraffes. Native to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Okapi’s are sometimes called a forest giraffe or zebra giraffe.

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