Britney Spears’ Bikini Photos Has People Concerned About Something They Notice

Britney Spears shared photos of her wearing a yellow bikini and posing with her two sons on a Hawaiian beach Thursday, but one of the images has something in it people are expressing concern about. The first photo seen below that the 36-year-old pop star shared doesn’t show what people are referring to, but by clicking through to the second image, it’ll make sense.

Users commenting on Britney’s page notice something in the background that may or may not be wrong. Sea life isn’t normally seen on the beach around a lot of people, but in the third photo, a seal is on the beach with her sons, Sean, 12, and Jayden, 11. The seal is just laying out of the water appearing lifeless on the sand.


“The seal????????” a concerned fan chimed in.

“Is the seal in the 2nd pic ok,” another wrote.

“And don’t forget to mention the dead seal…,” someone else added.

“That dead seal in the back though,” one more mentioned.

Some marine life pop ashore at times, but it’s not typical to see them so close to others. It’s funny that Britney Spears didn’t mention the seal in her photo, but her fans are wondering why the animal is there without any explanation about what might be going on with it.

Access Online noted the seal in the background of one of Britney Spears’ bikini photos and mentioned that it’s a Hawaiian Monk Seal.

Was the seal really dead? According to Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR), monk seals are known to lay on the beach as well as spend time in the water. It’s uncommon to see them so comfortable around humans, but they do share the beach with them. HMAR advises that if anyone is fortunate enough to see a seal on the beach that they should maintain a safe distance from it.

HMAR adds on its website that it’s natural for monk seals to come ashore or “haul out” on the beach for long periods of time. The seals will do this as a way to rest, molt, give birth, or raise their young. People should refrain from trying to push them back into the water or wake them up by approaching them. So, by all accounts, the seal may be just fine and was coincidentally beaching itself when Spears snapped the photo.

As Billboard reported, Britney Spears concluded her residency at The AXIS Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on New Year’s Eve after four years and 249 performances. She went to Hawaii with her sons to unwind and stunned fans with her amazing figure in her tiny yellow bikini.

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