Katie Holmes Has Jamie Foxx Step In As Father Figure For Suri, Tom Cruise Hasn’t Seen His Daughter In Years

Katie Holmes has finally gone public with her romance with Jamie Foxx, and new rumors indicate that the actor may be playing a very important role in the life of Katie’s young daughter Suri and even replacing an absent Tom Cruise as the man in her life.

Holmes and Foxx finally took their relationship to the public after more than four years of rumors that they are dating, with photos showing the two holding hands on a Malibu beach. Since then, multiple sources told People magazine that the two are indeed dating and that the relationship has gotten more serious in the past few months.

“They’ve been friends for years,” says a source reportedly close to Jamie Foxx. “That blossomed into a wonderful relationship that they both enjoy.”

While there are widespread rumors that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are headed toward marriage, others say neither are in any particular rush. But they do appear to be moving along quite steadily in the relationship, with a new report claiming that Katie sees Jamie as a strong male role model for her daughter.

“Suri’s extremely close to her grandfather — Katie’s dad — and she’s also got Jamie in her life now as another strong male role model,” a source close to Katie Holmes told Hollywood Life. “It might not be exactly perfect as far as how much involvement Tom has in Suri’s life, but Katie doesn’t feel like her daughter is lacking.”

If the report is true, Jamie Foxx may be filling the role that Tom Cruise once played in his daughter’s life. According to a report from InTouch magazine, it has now been more than four years since Tom saw his daughter. They were last seen together on a vacation in 2013.

As the InTouch report noted, those close to Katie Holmes are not exactly sure why Tom Cruise has backed out of his daughter’s life. Cruise has reportedly been physically close to Suri on a number of occasions but chose not to see his daughter. The report noted that there is speculation Cruise’s connection to the Church of Scientology is creating the family rift, with the church suspected of labeling Katie Holmes as a “suppressive person” and forcing him to cut all contact with both Katie and Suri.

There were reports when Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes initially split up that his ties to Scientology played a major role. Katie Holmes resisted joining the religion and reportedly took steps to keep Suri from being involved as well. Cruise is one of the most high-profile members and a close friend of church leader David Miscavige.

It is not clear how much truth there might be to the rumor that Katie Holmes sees Jamie Foxx as a role model for her daughter Suri. Because both Holmes and Foxx are notoriously quiet about their private lives, stories about their relationship have relied solely on unnamed sources and many of these rumors later turned out to be false.

[Featured Image by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images]

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