‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Jason Dent Claims Paul Will Meet Hostile Jury

Big Brother 19 has been predictable since Paul Abrahamian walked into the house. Fans have dubbed it the “Paul Show,” and many are upset at the way things have gone down. At the beginning of the season, it looked like there was a good mix of players. The drama started almost immediately. Alliances were formed early on, many of them falling apart as the weeks went on. The final five for Big Brother 19 are currently in the house, and viewers aren’t surprised at how things went down over the last few weeks.

Jason Dent was blindsided during the double eviction last Thursday. His anger over leaving Big Brother 19 was apparent the moment he walked out of the house and sat down with Julie Chen. As viewers watched his exit interview, there was an inkling that he would go back to Jury and blow up Paul Abrahamian’s chance of winning. According to Us Weekly, Jason Dent thinks the Jury is going to be bitter over how Abrahamian played the game. This could cost him the win, especially because he has gotten cocky with his game play. Jason trusted the vet and when Julie said his name during eviction night, he saw red. Josh Martinez revealed that Paul was behind the blindside, which confirmed everything Dent was thinking in the seconds following his Big Brother eviction.

The entire season has been masterminded by Paul Abrahamian. Big Brother 19 would have been incredibly different had he not returned to play. Part of the problem was the houseguest’s obsession with him being a veteran. They were bamboozled, including Jason Dent. In fact, when he was asked about what he would have done differently, he mentioned he would have nominated Matt Clines and Raven Walton instead of who his friends wanted him to nominate. That would have kept Mark Jansen and Elena Davies off the block, and possibly changed the outcome of who was evicted from the Big Brother house in succession.

Paul Abrahamian thinks he played a clean game. All of his minions did his dirty work, and the blood didn’t get on his hands. Fortunately, Josh Martinez told Jason Dent the real story in the goodbye message, and Jury is going to find out everything. With several members of the showmances there already, the dislike for the vet is running high. If Dent has his way, Paul won’t win the game, and whoever he takes with him to final two will be sitting pretty when it comes to the Big Brother 19 decision night next Wednesday.

[Featured Image by CBS Big Brother/Twitter]

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