Is Katie Holmes Happier With Jamie Foxx Than With Tom Cruise? Here’s Why People Think So

Katie Holmes seemed happier now that she is with Jamie Foxx compared to when she was married to Tom Cruise, based on fans and the media’s observation on the newly publicized couple.

A source reportedly close to the actress told the Hollywood Life that she feels a whole lot better while in a relationship now that she is with the 49-year-old musician compared to her time with the 55-year-old actor.

“Katie Holmes feels much more equal to Jamie Foxx than she ever did with Tom Cruise,” the unnamed insider told the outlet.

“He makes her feel like a grown woman. Jamie respects Katie’s opinion and her independence, and he would never dream of telling her what to do.”

On top of that, the source explained how Katie loves that Jamie keeps his life private, a stark contrast of her time with Tom.

“She loves how Jamie keeps his private life private, and how he shuns the media spotlight. It fits with Katie’s sensibilities much more than the crazy, over-the-top life she shared with Tom.”

Suri Cruise’s mother seemed to have everything figured out now that she had gone public with her relationship with Jamie Foxx after the two were caught on camera out and about, walking hand-in-hand at a Malibu coast earlier this month.

In fact, according to the Daily Mail, the clip emerged amid rumors that Katie Holmes had been in a “five-year dating ban” following her divorce with the Jack Reacher star.

During that period, there were rumors about a romance between Cruise’s ex and one of his close buddies and co-stars, although they have never been spotted in a compromising situation together until recently.

This development made some people wonder why she even got married to Cruise in the first place. According to an opinion piece from The Sun’s Karren Brady, it appears as though Holmes rushed into marriage with Cruise because of the hefty package presented by the top Hollywood actor.

[Image by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images]

According to Brady, speculations that suggested a five-year dating ban clause in the divorce settlement between the former couple is nothing short of controlling, especially since most actors file for divorce “to draw a line under a failed relationship then get on with their new life.”

Could it be possible that Katie had been struggling with this kind of controlling attitude from Tom for almost six years in their marriage and another five years for the dating ban? We may never know.

What we do know now is that people have varying thoughts about the recent development in the actress’s love life as fans take to social media channels to express their thoughts on her current and past relationships.

At the end of the day, Gossip Cop debunked the report claiming to know for sure what Katie Holmes is feeling now that she is with Jamie Foxx, explaining that their own “reliable” sources assured them that it was all “made-up.”

Either way, only the people involved in the relationship would be able to tell the true story and, by the looks of it, they are not giving anything away just yet so it’s best to take things like this with a grain of salt.

Do you think Katie Holmes is happier with Jamie Foxx? Sound off your thoughts in the comments below.

[Featured Image by Win McNamee/Getty Images]

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