Prince Harry, Girlfriend Meghan Markle Reportedly Prep For First Public Date Amid Alleged Royal Outrage

Prince Harry and his girlfriend Meghan Markle reportedly are planning their first public date after months of attempting to keep their blossoming romance secret. The lovebirds haven’t succeeded in hiding their romantic relationship, however, with new rumors of their engagement and wedding plans soaring. Meghan’s recent Vanity Fair interview added to the gossip, with Markle confessing her love for the prince. But even though the royal family reportedly didn’t react with approval to the actress’s tell-all interview, Harry is apparently planning to proceed as planned by taking his romance with Meghan to the next level and going public.

Prince Harry Plots First Public Appearance With Meghan Markle

The prince and Markle will make their romance public this month, and Harry reportedly has planned the event in a way that highlights the royal aspect of his life. Hello magazine told readers that the couple is now prepping for what will mark “their first royal appearance.”

The timing is perfect when it comes to the location of Harry and Meghan’s first public date. Their appearance reportedly is scheduled for the Invictus Games on September 23 in Canada. Because Markle stars in the TV show Suits, which starts up filming in Toronto again on Monday, she will already be in Canada.

Prince Harry reportedly delayed his first public date with Meghan Markle in order to join Prince William in honoring their mother, Princess Diana. [Image by Kirsty Wigglesworth/WPA Pool/Getty Images]

The prince is famed for creating the Invictus Games, which turns the spotlight on injured and disabled service personnel. These brave individuals compete in the games, and Harry is reportedly determined to be there with Meghan to cheer on the competition.

Prince Harry Reportedly Delayed Public Date Out Of Respect For Princess Diana

Royal critics who have questioned why the prince held off for so long on going public with his romance with the actress now have their answer, according to the publication. Hello told readers that Harry waited because of his beloved mother Princess Diana. He reportedly wanted to avoid taking away any attention from the tragic anniversary of Diana’s death.

“Harry and Meghan have been delaying their first royal engagement together due to the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death this summer.”

Now, however, the rumors are escalating about the prince getting formally engaged.

When And If Prince Harry Will Propose

While the speculation about when and if Harry will propose continues, the magazine pointed out that Meghan will be focusing on filming Suits until mid-November. After that, however, she will have time to visit with the prince in London, leading to the publication’s prediction as to the timing of Harry’s much-anticipated proposal.

“Should an engagement be in the cards, late autumn or early winter might be the perfect time to make the announcement.”

In her highly publicized interview with Vanity Fair, Markle described herself and the prince as “two people who are really happy and in love.” And although she admitted that a time will come when the lovebirds will need to step up and “present ourselves” in public, she asked the world to respect their privacy.

“I hope what people will understand is that this is our time,” added the actress.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reportedly are planning their first public date this month at the Invictus Games. [Image by Dean Lewins/Pool/Getty Images]

However, according to several reports, the lack of respect isn’t coming so much from the general public but from certain members of the royal family.

Royal Family Famously Private: Did Meghan Ruin Her Romance With Harry By Gushing?

BET noted that Markle’s public proclamation of love for Harry may have derailed her romance because members of the royal family are known for holding onto their privacy. Therefore, her decision to be interviewed by Vanity Fair and offer up a tell-all about their romantic relationship reportedly shocked royal critics.

Moreover, the publication cited a source’s warning about the dire future for Harry and Meghan’s romance if she participates in a similar interview about the prince.

“[If Markle] opens up about her Prince Harry romance in another interview, it might jeopardize their future altogether.”

Harry knows about the famous desire of the royal family to hold onto their privacy. So why didn’t he warn his girlfriend when she told him what she planned to say in the interview?

An insider told Hollywood Life that Meghan’s tell-all actually came as a shock to the prince. However, in contrast to the royal family’s alleged outrage over her interview, Harry reportedly viewed Markle’s comments as a happy surprise rather than a damaging bombshell.

“The loving, public declaration caught Harry off guard, as Meghan kept most of the interview a secret,” said the insider. “She wanted her words to be a nice, romantic surprise for her man and it worked.”

[Featured Image by Steve Parsons/Pool/Getty Images]

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