‘BB19’ Speculation: Josh Could Flip The House Upside Down And Change The Game, But Will He?

Big Brother 19 fans have tuned in week after week to see Josh Martinez and the other houseguests implementing a plan of Paul Abrahamian’s. The BB18 vet has ruled the game all summer by playing the perfect floater. Last week, Josh began to put it all together and understand what Paul was up to, but still voted how Paul wanted during the double evictions.

The following may contain BB19 spoilers. If you don’t want to know what may make the show, stop reading now.

Paul wanted to make sure he could play in the Head of Household competition for Final Four and for Final Three. Those are the two that count at the end of BB19. The HOH will have more control over who they face in the Final Two by securing the HOH and being the one to cast the vote to evict. Part of the plan to get him there was for Josh to win this HOH because Christmas was ineligible to play.

When Josh had his talk with BB19 live feed viewers last week, he had Paul all figured out. When he went to Christmas to discuss it, she wouldn’t have it and shut him down. Eventually, she shared with live feed viewers that she knew Josh is right and Paul is out for himself. She still hasn’t confirmed all of this and given credibility to Josh for what he tried to discuss with her.

No one has taken a game-changing shot this season. Jason’s eviction last night is the biggest blindside to happen all BB19 season. Now Josh has the golden opportunity to change all of that. Paul is expecting him to nominate Alex and Kevin as they have planned. When the Power of Veto is played, the plan is to leave Kevin on the block and send him to the jury. Let’s look at another gameplay option that would take Josh’s game to a new level.


Suppose Josh goes with the nominations the Paul has picked. Put Alex and Kevin on the block. If Josh will convince Paul that he should throw the POV to him or Christmas, Paul will remain out of the mix and not be able to save Alex. By not winning the POV, Paul would be eligible to be a replacement nominee to be backdoored. This is absolutely the last chance the BB19 houseguests will have to evict Paul.


Josh has proven to BB19 fans that he is much smarter than he first let on. He did manage to put the clues together and see what Paul is up to. Now fans will find out if he has the nerve to pull off a major game changer and prove that his gameplay is worthy of a spot in the finals.

Do you think Josh will continue to follow Paul or flip the script to take control of the BB19 game? If he doesn’t, how soon do you expect to see him evicted from the house? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

[Featured Image by Sonja Flemming/CBS]

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