Kim Kardashian Tree Photo: Kim Climbs Tree In New Black-And-White Photo, Gets 508K IG Likes, 25K Twitter Likes

Kim Kardashian knows how to shock people, and her new photo showing her climbing a tree sans any clothes has caused mixed reactions online. Not that people are shocked that Kardashian posted a photo without any clothes on — it’s the fact that Kim’s photoshoot took place in nature as she climbed a tree that has caused much intrigue. In the black-and-white photo, Kim only wears a pair of boots, and the photo of Kim up in a tree has invited plenty of questions. One Twitter user asked what the heck was going on in the viral photo, which quickly gained 25,000 likes on the social media platform.

Without much context surrounding Kim’s racy tree photo, people are coming up with their own captions for Kardashian’s tree photo. One person posted that Kim was Naked and Afraid, like the reality TV show. Another Twitter user joked that Kim looks like a person who has escaped a married man’s bedroom after his wife came home unexpectedly. On Instagram, Kardashian wrote that she felt honored to have been photographed by Mert and Marcus. Kim then told her users that the duo’s new book would be available in New York City on September 7.

[Image by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images]

The photo is allowed on Instagram because there are black stars that have been placed atop Kim’s nipples in the photo. Kardashian has gotten more than 500,000 likes on Instagram for the photo, with more than 7,000 comments quickly flowing into Kim’s Instagram account beside the NSFW photo of Kim climbing the tree. While some people are praising Kim and calling it a beautiful photo — one that shows off her shape and is encouraging them to get in shape, too — others are asking Kardashian what the point of her photo might be.

Kardashian is receiving comments that show a lot of people are laughing out loud at the image of Kim climbing a tree but not wearing proper climbing gear — or no gear at all. Kardashian’s photo is being called dangerous, perhaps because Kim’s skin is exposed in nature while doing something sketchy like climbing a tree. Kim is being called everything from gorgeous to stunning, but is also getting chastised for baring her breasts again.

[Image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]

[Featured Image by Mike Coppola/Getty Images/]

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