Tom Cruise’s Daughter Suri Cruise Reportedly Wants To Become Star Just Like Dad: How Does Katie Holmes Feel?

Tom Cruise and his daughter, Suri Cruise, have not been seen together in months, although the 11-year-old has frequently been spotted with her mother, Katie Holmes. But even though Tom and his youngest daughter are not spending time together, his legendary acting career apparently has affected Suri’s goals in life. The little girl now reportedly wants to be just like her daddy and become a star. How does Katie feel?

Suri Cruise Longs For Acting Fame?

An insider told OK! Magazine that Tom’s daughter is “desperate” for a career in acting, longing to become “just like daddy.” Holmes reportedly is reluctant, but eventually she decided she could not resist her daughter’s pleas.

Katie is known for her acting career, although she never achieved the global level of fame that Tom Cruise has attained. Suri reportedly also took notice of her mom’s achievements, and the 11-year-old wants to be like her mother as well as her father, according to the insider. The youngster is reported to have caught the acting bug when Holmes took her to some Broadway shows recently.

Ever since Suri made her announcement that she wants to follow in her famous parents’ footsteps and act, the two have been seen regularly at Broadway productions, according to the source.

Katie Holmes reportedly has given into Suri Cruise’s desire to become a star just like her dad, Tom Cruise. [Image by Theo Wargo/Getty Images]

Katie Caves

What’s a loving mother like Holmes to do? Katie finally succumbed to her daughter’s pleas, letting Suri have her dream, according to the insider. However, the source also said that Holmes is not thrilled at having her youngster aspire to become like Tom Cruise.

“This is not really what Katie wants.”

But at age 11, Suri is old enough in Holmes’ eyes to begin trying out different pursuits. And even if Katie does hope that her daughter decides to have acting become a hobby rather than a career, Holmes reportedly has begun tutoring her daughter.

Life As An Actor: Personal Lessons

Although Tom Cruise isn’t around to help with the lessons, Katie has devoted herself to teaching Suri “all things thespian,” said the source. Living so close to Broadway also makes a difference when it comes to learning about life as an actor.

Holmes took Suri to the Tony Award-winning musical play Dear Evan Hansen starring Ben Platt, and Cruise’s star-struck daughter met the actor. The mom and daughter had such a wonderful experience that Katie shared it on Instagram.

“Love this show so much! Thank u to this amazing cast for such incredible performances! Thank u @sloaney_77 @zacposen @julierotondi for a great time,” gushed Katie in her Instagram caption.

But Holmes reportedly is concerned that it would be all too easy for Suri to use her famous last name and set sail for star roles just on the basis of being called Cruise. Consequently, the insider revealed that Katie has signed up her daughter for exclusive individual lessons with an A-list New York acting coach.

“[Holmes] wants Suri to be known for her skills, not her name or her looks.”

While the 11-year-old reportedly enjoyed the musical that she and her mother just viewed, it’s acting rather than singing and dancing that attracts her, according to the source. Consequently, although Suri is taking singing and music lessons, it’s acting that is “definitely in her blood,” added the insider.

Where’s Tom Cruise?

With Tom’s youngest daughter reportedly setting her eyes on the prize of an acting career just like daddy, Cruise himself seems to be missing from her life. In June, In Touch reported that once again, Tom spent Father’s Day without his youngest child, pointing out the implications.

“At this rate, Suri Cruise has [spent] nearly as much of her life estranged from her father, Tom Cruise, as she spent with him.”

At the time, the magazine reported that more than 1,381 days had passed since Cruise last saw his 11-year-old daughter. Tom is reported to have been absent from Suri’s life ever since Katie divorced him and left Scientology.

Tom Cruise reportedly has been missing from Suri Cruise’s life ever since Katie Holmes divorced him. [Image by Chris Carlson/AP Images]

Is Scientology To Blame?

For years, there have been rumors blaming Scientology for the estranged relationship between father and daughter, but an insider told the publication that Cruise “steered clear of Suri because of Katie” rather than religion. He had reportedly planned to return to his youngest daughter’s life when she started college and was away from Holmes, according to the source.

During his interviews for The Mummy, one daring reporter even questioned Tom about his daughter, asking if Suri had caught the acting bug like Cruise and Holmes.

“You never know,” said Tom.

That question reportedly sparked something in Cruise, who now wants to see Suri, said the insider. Will Tom reconnect with his youngest child and even help her achieve her dream of becoming a Mission: Impossible-style star? What do you think? Post your views below.

[Featured Image by Itsuo Inouye/AP Images]

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