Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon: ‘I Hate The Grammys’

The lead singer of Bon Iver, Justin Vernon, who became all the rage at last year’s Grammys ceremony declared that he can’t stand the Grammys. The musician tweeted to all of his followers the disdain he has for the award shows. Justin’s tweet was in response to Grizzly Bear’s vocalist Ed Droste, who was angry about not being nominated for any Grammy awards.

It was a shock to many in the industry, especially since Grizzly Bear’s latest album Shields was well-received by critics and fans alike. The disc currently has a critic score of 86, which sounds like it’s worthy of a nomination. However, perhaps it’s because Grizzly Bear’s music isn’t heavily rotated on a Clear Channel station. On the opposite end of the scale, neither was Justin Vernon’s Bon Iver, but he still managed to take home two awards at least year’s ceremony.

Of course this isn’t the first time Justin Vernon has voiced his opinion about the Grammys. When Bon Iver was asked to play with other muscians at the 54th Grammy Awards, earlier in the year, Vernon told Billboard, “We kind of said ‘f–k you’ a little bit.” He continued, “The show’s producers acted like they wanted us to play,” Vernon said, “but I don’t think they wanted us to play.”

The exchange between Justin Vernon and Ed Droste about the 55th Grammy Awards can be seen laid out in a series of tweets but here’s a highlight:

Soon after Justin Vernon weighed in:

Later on Ed Droste tweeted about the heated exchange over the Grammys:

Later on Ed Droste denied his sincerity, and said he was just being “sarcastic.” Do you agree with Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon and Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste?

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