Kim Kardashian Trying To Keep Her Failing Marriage A Secret

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West may have two adorable children together and are about to celebrate their three year anniversary as a married couple, but reports claim that the pair’s marriage is in tatters. Kim, however, is trying to hide that her marriage is on the rocks and is attempting to get the public to focus on other aspects of her life so that when the divorce finally breaks, it won’t be as big of a deal.

While Kim Kardashian is gearing up to film another season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians (which is also supposedly suffering from low ratings), her husband has left Los Angeles. According to reports, this was planned in order to keep them from fighting on TV and making it obvious that the couple is currently on the outs.

An insider close to the Kardashian clan took to Radar Online to give their perspective on the situation.

“Kim is hiding how bad things are with Kanye right now.”

The insider continued, commenting on the fact that Kanye has left Kim Kardashian in Los Angeles.

“Kanye left Kim to work on his music and she, of course, supports him as an artist, but it is right in the middle of filming.”

According to the source, Kim Kardashian is also trying to stay in the media spotlight in order to ensure that people focus on different aspects of her life, not just her failing relationship with Kanye West.

But the source also ominously stated that Kim Kardashian is a woman in the public eye, and therefore is unable to keep things under wraps for long.

“Kim can’t keep her problems a secret forever.”

Kim Kardashian has been married before for just a couple of months, which makes her relationship with Kanye West look like an eternity. If the pair does end up splitting, it may not be all that surprising for fans of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as the girls are widely known for their failed relationships.

In addition to Kim Kardashian’s relationship woes, her former stepfather, Caitlyn Jenner, is currently touring to promote her new tell-all book, which goes into further detail about her life than many of the Kardashians would have hoped for. As Kim Kardashian is protective of her mother, Kris Jenner, she certainly did not appreciate that Caitlyn spoke earnestly and candidly about her sex life with her mother.

Kim Kardashian, as well as her sisters, also took issue with the fact that Caitlyn stated that their late father knew all along that OJ Simpson was guilty of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson. Caitlyn speculates that because Kim’s mother, Kris, and Nicole were such good friends, Kim’s late father, Robert Kardashian, took on the case as a way to give the middle finger to Caitlyn for dating his ex-wife. All of the Kardashian girls are horrified at this, as they do not want to remember their father in a negative way.

Even Kim’s mother, Kris Jenner, is not a fan of the portrayal of her ex-husband and is rumored to be working on a tell-all of her own.

And while Kim Kardashian may be facing an imminent divorce, the reality TV star still has a lot to focus on. While she has used Caitlyn Jenner’s book to help boost ratings for Keeping Up with the Kardashians, she is also filming her own television show without the help of her famous family. This time, Kim is going solo and it will be exciting to see how the project turns out and whether or not its ratings rival the original reality show.

[Featured Image by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images]

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