Taylor Swift Comes Out Of Hiding To Make One Fan’s Graduation Dream Come True

Taylor Swift has kept out of the public eye for some time now and even her most ardent fans may be wondering if the “Bad Blood” singer is ever going to return to the spotlight. While Swift still hasn’t returned with a new album, which was her intention, when she took a break from social media and Hollywood drama, she did recently make one high school graduate’s day. Ashley Silver sent Taylor an invite to her graduation party and, while Taylor didn’t make a personal appearance, the gift Swift sent more than made up for her inability to attend the party.

Ashley Silver Sent Taylor Swift a Party Invite…and Got a Response

When Ashley Silver sent an invitation to her high school graduation party to Taylor Swift, it was with the hope that the pop star would make an appearance. As US Weekly reports, Swift did decline the invite, but she did it in such a way that Silver couldn’t help but be overjoyed with the response.

In declining to attend the teen’s party, Taylor sent Ms. Silver a bouquet of flowers and a greeting card with a handwritten note.

Ashley was so excited by the gift that she immediately shared the news, along with pictures, with her Twitter followers.

“I invited Taylor to my graduation party and she sent me flowers and this card,” Silver tweeted, adding crying emojis to express her heartfelt gratitude. “I love you honey.”


So, what exactly did Taylor Swift’s note include? To begin, there was a hand-drawn picture of the New York City skyline, accompanied by “Welcome to New York” lyrics.

“Ashley, Hi love! I’m so sad that I can’t make it to your graduation party! The New York theme, the photo booth, it being on the 13th… that’s my kind of party,” Ms. Swift began her note.

Swift continued by acknowledging Ashley’s accomplishment as a high school graduate.

“I’m so proud of you, your hard work and dedication, your excitement and ambition,” wrote Ms. Swift. “I’m very lucky that a girl like you cares about me. Sending you my love and hugs (and to your family!). Love, Taylor.”

Ms. Silver also shared a picture of herself holding the note with her Instagram followers. Captioning that post, the proud teen commented that she has been a fan of Taylor Swift for eight years and thanked the pop star for the bouquet of flowers.

Taylor Swift is Planning a Comeback

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift will soon be releasing a new album. [Image by Kevin Winter/Getty Images]

People reports that Taylor Swift has deliberately kept out of the spotlight and away from drama through the recent past because she felt her life beginning to spiral. Sources share that Swift is happy with her newly found freedom and her ability to concentrate on making music. In fact, Taylor will soon be offering a new album.

According to a source close to Taylor, the singer is excited about the new album and can’t wait to release it to fans.

“Taylor’s been quietly recording new music for a couple months,” said the source. “She’s aiming to release an album this fall…. She knows there’s a demand for a new album and has really started focusing on making that happen for fans. She’s just excited to get back out there.”

Previously, Swift commented that she took the break to get away and enjoy some private time, but what started out as a mini vacation seems to have turned into a working sabbatical. While away, Swift said she was teaching herself to make a “good drink” and revealed that she wanted to get her CPR certification.

Since her split from Tom Hiddleston, Taylor Swift has kept her circle tight and has spent much of her time with close friends and family.

[Featured Image by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images]

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