‘The Bachelor’ Baddie, Corinne Olympios, Says She Is Not A Villain, No Regrets


Corinne Olympios made it to the final four of The Bachelor, but unfortunately, Nick Viall chose to send her home. Despite the fact that she did pretty much everything she could vying for Nick’s attention, she was given the boot and will not be getting the final rose after all. The 24-year-old made an appearance on Good Morning America on Tuesday to speak out about the whole experience.

Olympios knew what she was getting into when she signed up for the reality show, and she put herself out there and then some. Her antics certainly got everyone’s attention. The short interview that was posted by ABC News had the blonde contestant sitting in the hot seat the day after her elimination episode aired. She said that she was totally surprised that Nick didn’t keep her around. She called it a blindside, but she does not have any regrets at all from her time there.

On Monday night’s episode of The Bachelor, Nick gave a rose to Vanessa, Rachel, and Raven. Corinne was visibly upset. She immediately started crying before she even moved towards the man who she thought might be proposing to her in the end. However, Nick followed his heart and didn’t keep her around any longer.

[Image by David Becker/Getty Images for iHeartMedia]

The Florida native mentioned just how surprised she was, especially after she and Nick had such a great time together on her hometown date. The Bachelor met her family, which also included the most famous nanny of all, Raquel.

Olympios was on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night talking about her experience on The Bachelor and what happened after she got home. It is obvious that she is very fond of Raquel, and she admitted that her special nanny welcomed her back home with open arms.

“She was really happy when I came home and I was really happy to see her, too. Raquel has been with us for 18 years. She is definitely just more than a nanny or a housekeeper or whatever you want to call her. She’s definitely family to me. She’s been with me through really hard times.”

Corinne also took Nick Viall clothes shopping while on the hometown date, which could have been just one of the factors in her getting the boot. You just never know what Nick really thought when his rich date spent all that money for the both of them on clothes. He did look a little shell-shocked when she spent a few thousand dollars that day.

Once in the limo, after Nick sent her packing, Corinne continued her sobbing for just a couple of minutes, but then she seemed to stop to let the world know that she is done with trying to impress men.

“I will never kiss up to a man ever again. I’m done. I want to go to sleep.”

Sleeping was definitely something that fans saw in the early stages of the show. In fact, she loved sleep so much that she had to be awakened to make it to a rose ceremony. She has been called this season’s villain for all of the antics she performed throughout her time on The Bachelor, but she doesn’t think that is a fair description, as she told Michael Strahan.

“A villain to me does things viciously to other people. I never did anything vicious to anybody. I was just doing me.”

Corinne was just being herself, not a villain. She blames her ‘big personality’ on how she was portrayed on the show. She also said that there were some behind-the-scenes moments that were not shown on air of her intense and emotional conversations that she had with Nick, as opposed to all the flirtatious antics that everyone had witnessed.

Corinne Olympios may be gone, but she will certainly not be forgotten. She will go down as one of the most memorable contestants in Bachelor history.

Are you sorry to see Corinne not get the final rose from Nick Viall?

[Featured Image by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for IMDb.com]

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