WWE News: Hall Of Famer Goes On Racist Rant Over Grammys — Issues Apology

On Sunday night, the Grammys were presented with some amazing performances and a number of technical difficulties. At the same time, there were also plenty of messages brought forth in subtle ways and some in much more obvious fashion. A Tribe Called Quest hit the stage and issued a political statement that was blatant and loud, but a WWE Hall of Famer took issue with their message, and it sent him on a racist rant.

As reported by The Washington Post, most of the political statements at the Grammys were kept on the down-low, but they were there. When A Tribe Called Quest and Busta Rhymes hit the stage, they immediately aimed their anger toward President Donald Trump and those that support him.

Well, that didn’t sit will with Road Warrior Animal, real name Joe Laurinaitis, who hopped on his Facebook page and let his feelings known. While a lot of people did the same, Animal ended up going on a racist rant that slammed “people of color” as reported by Comicbook.com.

“Once again Rappers ruin the Grammys with that stupid song with words like resist and no one can tell you what to do. Having people of color Muslim and Mexican come on stage, are you that stupid and can not see that where all the drugs are coming from the southern borders or all the Radical Islamic that promote death to America? Really well legends it’s your relative using those drugs ir getting killed by terrorists then you will get it. Insulting performance!”

Once that was out there, it didn’t take long for a lot of harsh criticism to start coming his way from fans and now, former fans. Many of those who follow his page on Facebook instantly started going from post to post and ripping him and insulting him.

Animal even posted a tribute to Chavo Guerrero Sr. aka “Chavo Classic” who died over the weekend, and said how much he respected him. Fans jumped on that post as well and proceeded to call Animal a “hypocrite” considering his comments about the Grammys.

[Image by WWE]

Animal, who was voted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 as a member of the Road Warriors, realized that he was wrong the next day. It was then that he issued an apology for his racist rant which has been deleted from his page, per Pro Wrestling Sheet.

“I am a realist I should’ve should’ve chosen my words more wisely for that I apologize. I feel horrible for hurting anyones feelings. I have nothing against people of color, I have nothing against people of Muslim faith, I have nothing against people of Mexico, I have nothing against anybody. I was just making a statement about a song that I did not like that’s all.”

He went on to say it was a mistake and that he was very sorry for the things he said. Animal said that he does “love ad respect everyone” and that he could care less about someone’s origin. Obviously, the backlash he received from his rant was enough to bring forth a change of heart and a brand new post.

If you’re looking to read the full apology, though, head on over to Pro Wrestling Sheet. Animal has already removed that post from his Facebook page as well.

Joe Laurinaitis, better known to wrestling fans as Road Warrior Animal, appeared to let his feelings get the best of him after the Grammys. A Tribe Called Quest issued their message against President Donald Trump and it drew a lot of praise and criticism from around the world. The WWE Hall of Famer made his feelings known but soon realized that his anger was presented in the wrong way in his racist comments and felt an apology was necessary.

[Featured Image by WWE]

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