Amber Heard Gets Emotional Discussing Domestic Violence In New PSA

Amber Heard has a message for women out there and it’s a message that’s very close to her heart, which is why she became emotional when she spoke about it in her new PSA.

Heard, 30, is working with #GirlGaze to share a message of hope to women around the world who suffered, or are suffering, from domestic violence.

The star of the upcoming Aquaman movie even shared her own experience as a victim of domestic violence, but the actress didn’t say who it was who hurt her. Although, no one really needs a clue to know who it was that hurt her.

Amber Heard spoke of her experience and said that even when she became a victim to that kind of abuse, she couldn’t accept it at first that it really happened to her.

In the video posted on People, she wondered how was it possible for her to be a victim of domestic violence when she sees herself as someone who is strong and smart enough to avoid that kind of situation.

But then she realized she was probably ashamed of admitting that someone as strong and smart as her could fall victim to such an abusive relationship. Amber Heard thinks that many women out there are probably just as afraid as she was to admit that something so monstrous can happen to them.

Amber Heard claims Johnny Depp physically abused her
[Image by Richard Vogel/AP Images]

Heard also said that domestic violence often keeps their victims silent because of the perpetrator. She said that when someone you love hurts you, it’s not as easy to confront them as compared to getting hurt by a complete stranger.

Heard said that when it’s a complete stranger there’s no mystery as to how you should react when they pose a threat to you but when it’s someone you love and are very familiar with, it’s no longer as straightforward as it should be.

Amber Heard’s ex-husband, Johnny Depp, came under fire earlier this year when it was found out that she filed for a restraining order five days after she filed for divorce from the actor.

According to Heard, Depp had been verbally and physically abusive against her throughout their relationship and in December 2015, she even feared for her life when he went off on one of his outbursts.

The restraining order was granted, but some of the people on Depp’s side said that Heard’s allegations of abuse were ridiculous and unfounded.

Depp’s ex-wife, Vanessa Paradis, even wrote a letter, according to the Mirror, trying to debunk Amber Heard’s claims because she described the Pirates of the Caribbean star as incapable of domestic violence. Paradis said that during her time with Johnny Depp she never experienced anything that can be labelled as domestic violence.

Heard’s claims were also disputed by Depp’s friend, Doug Stanhope, and he wrote an article on TheWrap saying that the actress only wanted to get a large settlement from the actor, which is why she’s claiming she was physically abused.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp during happier times
[Image by Joel Ryan/AP Images]

Heard sued Stanhope for defamation and when she eventually received her settlement from Depp, she divided it and donated it to several charity outfits that are fighting against domestic violence.

Amber Heard credited her survival to her friends and women whom she trusts completely. She said in the PSA that if she didn’t have those people around, she doesn’t know how she would have gone through her harrowing situation intact.

That is why she’s telling other women who are watching the PSA that they’re not alone and despite the grim situation that they’re in, they can always change things to make an improvement in their lives and find the strength to fight against domestic violence.

Before ending the video, the actress spoke to the women who are suffering from domestic violence and Amber Heard told them to “speak up” and not be silent about these incidents because their voices are their tool to help them fight and win against these abuses.

[Featured Image by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP Images]

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