WWE ‘Backlash’ Predictions: What Will Happen This Sunday?

With just two days to go before the premier Pay-Per-View event of the fall, WWE Backlash predictions are coming out of the woodwork. With this in mind,we’ve decided to put together some of the most anticipated matches for the WWE Backlash event, and give our latest predictions about the upcoming matches!

First, of course, are the WWE Backlash predictions that come to us courtesy of Christian Today. In previous reports about Backlash featured on The Inquisitr, we predicted that Dean Ambrose would finally be deposed as a world champion when he faced off against The Phenomenal One, AJ Styles. It seems, now, that Christian Today shares our sentiments and predictions.

Riding high from his win over John Cena at SummerSlam, AJ Styles is in a perfect position to depose the 15-time champion, Dean Ambrose. He also took down Dolph Ziggler on SmackDown, and this fight against the fan favorite is earning a lot of traction in the press. With the national wrestling press cheering him on, it doesn’t seem likely that Styles would put himself in a position where he could lose. He knows he holds all the proverbial cards in this match, so we can firmly predict that this title match for the championship will, indeed, go to AJ Styles.

Other WWE Backlash predictions come to us courtesy of The Sports Daily, who have an interesting take on the Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt battle. This match is a little tougher to call because both wrestlers have a lot riding on the line. On one hand, you have Bray Wyatt, from a legendary wrestling family that includes Mike Rotunda, who is in the prime of his career and ready to finally get a developed story line with the company. On the other, you have Randy Orton, another legacy wrestler who is in the twilight of his career and trying desperately to move on from a fight that is still resonating through the halls of the WWE because of its controversial ending.

Furthermore, you have the problem of Orton’s less-than-stellar record of late. He’s currently at two wins, and two losses and you have the fact that Bray Wyatt has a tendency to be a bit of a kingslayer when he faces wrestling legends. The Sports Daily, then, believes that the Wyatt vs. Orton fight will end with a win for Wyatt.

Our final round of WWE Backlash predictions come to us courtesy of What Culture, who have a lot to say about the fight between The Miz and Samoa Joe. The Miz has been talking a lot of smack on, well, Talking Smack, and frankly, his schtick is getting a bit tiresome. While we agree with Miz about his frustrations with Daniel Bryan, he needs to understand that Bryan will never again be medically cleared to rejoin the WWE.

But that doesn’t mean that The Miz can’t run the gauntlet of competitors to take out his frustrations. While Samoa Joe is currently playing the heel role, it would be interesting to see him about-face if he takes down the ingratiating Miz. Does anyone really like The Miz in the WWE?

On the other hand, if the Miz takes the win, he can continue to serve as Bryan’s revenge, fighting against any competitors that Bryan himself would have fought in the ring if he were still medically able to do so, and, ultimately, turning into a hero in the WWE by taking up Bryan’s torch.

What do you think of this round of WWE Backlash predictions?

We’ll see if our WWE Backlash predictions come true when Backlash airs on Pay-Per-View on September 11.

[Image via WWE]

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