Walmart Apologizes For Calling Police On Schoolkids Singing ‘God Bless America’

Walmart has apologized for a high-profile incident making news today wherein a group of school children singing “God Bless America” had the police called on them after breaking into song at one of the stores.

As we reported earlier, Walmart apologizes after the incident on September 11 of this year, after the group of school children are said to have planned the display, and received permission for the on-site rendition of “God Bless America” at a Pembroke Pines, Florida Walmart.

Walmart’s apology comes after the 75 young kids (incidentally all of whom were born after the 9/11 attacks they sought to commemorate with their song) were denied the opportunity to sing when Walmart had a change of heart about the decision to grant permission to the kids on the event’s 11th anniversary.

Coconut Palm Elementary Principal Terri Thelmas explained why Walmart apologizes after the “God Bless America” controversy, and apparently, confusion over the way the event was handled was part of why police were called.

It seems the kids were instructed to sing in a “flash mob” fashion in order to surprise and “cheer up” Walmart shoppers on the anniversary of 9/11 — which, if true, casts Walmart’s actions and subsequent apology in a slightly more favorable light. (After all, there is probably no day on the American calendar citizens are jumpier than September 11, other than tax day.)

A represent of Walmart apologizes for putting 5-0 and the kibosh on the kids’ good deed, explaining:

“We’re also inviting the kids back to the store to help honor the victims and fallen heroes.”

Did Walmart need to apologize, or do you think a flash mob of singing children is a bit too chaotic for a retail environment?

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