Miley Cyrus And Liam Hemsworth Really Like Starbucks

Miley Cyrus and fiancé Liam Hemsworth are big fans of Starbucks, if their recent expedition to a branch of the coffee chain is anything to go by.

The pair were papped on Sunday as they stocked up on Starbucks drinks in a big way: we make that eight beakers of sugary goodness in the picture of the couple’s order (see below).

Cyrus and Hemsworth spent Sunday together in Philadelphia, where Miley is keeping Hunger Games star Liam company as he films his new movie, Robert Luketic thriller Paranoia. Looks like they had a sudden urge for something sweet!

Miley Cyrus has been hitting the headlines recently thanks to her new haircut, a punky pixie ‘do that attracted its fair share of derision on Twitter (though she’ll be relieved to hear Charlie Sheen is a fan).

Some might say the star has had slightly more pressing concerns in the last week: having put her wedding on hold on Thursday, a man armed with scissors was arrested on Saturday after jumping over the fence at Cyrus’ Los Angeles home (Cyrus wasn’t in at the time).

Perhaps this hefty Starbucks run was required after all, eh?

While we’re hoping those drinks aren’t all for Miley and Liam, a tweet from Cyrus suggested something had turned her stomach:

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